do you have a nickname?

Haven't really had any nicknames that stuck irl, but with my discord/online friends it really varies. Some just like to call me by my online alias 'tech', others like to call me by my real name, and my best friends like to call me teach and a few other names that would be too inappropriate for this forum :oops:
Not really. I guess Rosie is technically one, but that's only on tbt. Honestly, I'm starting to really like Rosie though, so maybe I'll start using it more than just here! Although I doubt anyone would want to call me that but we'll see.

Also short, that's a pretty common one
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My name is Megan so I get Meg or Megz a lot. I like nicknames as it feels so personal. Like someone picked out a special name just for you!
My real name is often used as a nickname, so nobody has ever really tried to shorten it or give me any nicknames. I do get asked all the time what my name is short for and I have to explain that it's not short for anything. It's my full name.

I wish I had a longer name so that I could have had a choice of nicknames, but my dad had a long name and hated learning to spell it as a child so he was adamant that his children would all have short names.
@seularin and @chocosongee call me child

A few of my friends on here call me ohare
Most of my online friends call me Abri, which is what I prefer to be called
But then irl people call me Abby which I really don't wanna be called
But yeah my favorite nickname is Abri.

it was first used by my best friend when he was previously my boyfriend so that's why it's special, it's got sentimental value
I never rly have had a nickname that stuck irl, my friends used to always make stupid ones that were a play on my name but none stuck.
Online I usually go by turtle, idk why tbh.
I don't really have any nicknames irl. [Except one I just deleted]

Online, I've ended up being Jirachi, Kirby, Ribbon, ect. It usually depends on what my username is.
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My name is Parker which is already kind of short. My friends call me "parks" or "parkcity" (not really sure about the last one lol). For my username, people often shorten it to "moo" which is pretty cute I think :3 I also use Squishy, so sometimes my friends will call me that or "squish" when we're playing games together
i'm sure you'll never guess what mine is lol

i've gone by this name since i was 13; a friend dubbed me "crash" due to my clumsiness and it's just stuck since then. and i'm still clumsy af twelve years later, so i guess some things never change
My name is Alexandra. Most people use Alex since it's easier. I like either Al or Xan. On messanger, my friend Taeanna (Tae) named me Daweigh and her Syre. Why? Don't remember. Joy's my middle name and I've been called that before; though, that's my grandma's nickname.
Irl I use to go by my real first and last name initials because my first name is boring and generic as H E C K and I don't like that about it. People would call me a shortened/altered version of my name but it doesn't ever stick.

A self given nickname would be Jerico, Jeri or JP. All shortened version of Jerico. It's my online alias/pen/artist name. I reeeeeaaally love the name Jerico and I feel like it suits me more than my generic boring af name.
My name is Gabriel but since im a kid everyone calls me passaro
Wich means bird in portuguese
Not really. I used to use the nickname "Lucy" but that didn't fall. I switched to "Lily" and it worked well for a few years. Then i started gaining an actual eighth of a presence online, Most of the time under the name "Starsomething" So yeah, I guess my nickname is "Star" now. On discord, a few people have called me 'Start" on accident, which fits because i love video games. On pokeheroes, i changed my username to fit a bit better with my username everywhere , "Startastic" But i still go by "TheRisingDitto" or just 'Ditto" there.
TL;DR: "Ditto" on PH, "Star" everywhere else.
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