do you have any piercings?

No, I don't like needles. :(
It's already bad enough I keep myself from having a panic attack when I get a shot.

I remember the days my mom try to make me go and get my ears pierced, no thanks. :(
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Q: Have you pierced your ears?

A: Yes. I first gotten my ears pieced when I was in elementary school. I remembered that one of my ears was bleeding because the stud earrings was too tight on it. I was wearing real jewelry and not those fake ones. After that moment happened... I stopped wearing earrings all together and let the holes in my ears close up. Years later I was at Claire's to browse around; however, I saw some earrings that I like that peaked my interest of reopening the holes in my ears. So... I got the earrings and gotten my ears pierced on the same day. At the moment... I don't always wear earrings and just wear them whenever I feel like it.
Yes, I've got a lot of ear piercings actually.
I got my first set in the lobe when I was about 9, because I was feeling left out since I was one of the few girls in school who didn't have their ears pierced and I just wanted it done. I got a second set in the lobe done when I was about 15. Then this year I got 3 done xD I've got 2 in the cartilage (2 helix's) in one ear and 1 in the tragus in the other ear. I love them all :D
I got mine done when I was 7 years old. I got it done at Claire's and I honestly wish my mom would have taken me to a professional but it's not like I was wise to how unsafe it was back then. My sister wimped out when she went when she turned 7, ran screaming after they marked her ears with the pen. XD She ended up going and actually getting it done when she turned 9, and so I got mine done the same year as her. My mom took me to ice cream after. I remember just touching my ears cause they were so warm and my mom swatting my hands saying they were going to get infected. (Little did I know this was the start to my love of body-mods. XD)

I also remember when I finally got to change my earrings, cause you have to leave them on for so long to heal, and it was during my mom's Tupperware/candle party with all her hoity toit friends and I had my aunt help me take them out and they started bleeding and I was laughing, and my mom's hoity toit friends were appalled, it was a good time.

In high school I started stretching my ears. I used random found objects that were tapered... oiled my ear with Vitamin E oil and slid whatever thing into my lobe, pretty gnarly. I got up to a size 00(aka the size of a sharpie pen cap) before buying some actual gauges. My "virgin" ear, aka the ear that was a pain to stretch(it scabbed and got really yucky and was ultra painful) pulled a ninja on me and I lost the cap out of my ear right after stretching it, because it was ANGRY I let it seal up so it's just a line now, and I can fit in a normal earring but I don't often wear one. My other ear I stretched to a 5/8th and I wear a plug in it everyday, I have a good collection of them. =D
I have two piercings on each ear. I got them done at separate times when I was little, but I stopped wearing earrings sometime in high school because they've always irritated my ears. I love earrings though :'(
my parents had them done when I was a baby so i wouldn't remember the pain. I would like to get the second holes done but I barely wear earrings now so it would probably be a waste of time
I have 3 in each lobe. Had my first piercings when i was about 9-10, i think. I remember i was quite excited to have it done. I'm 38 now and trying to decide weather or not to go for a 4th set or to just leave it at 3. Also had the top of my left ear pierced twice (not at the same time), but each time it got infected and bled so i had to give up on that. Oh well.
I do not have my ears pierced, although I do kind of want to get them pierced. If I get over the fact that getting my ears pierced will be infinitely painful and I'll probably end up crying in the process, then I'll set up an appointment and get both of my ears pierced (I've seen guys get one ear pierced before, and that's really dumb in my opinion). I'm just a bit worried that I'll never get over being too anxious to get my ears pierced, because I've heard that getting a piercing is quite painful and I'm not sure if I'd be able to stand that.
I got them pierced when I was a couple months old, but never wore earrings so they grew back in pretty quickly. I'm not really interested in getting them pierced again, either :0
I got them pierced when I was 4 at Claire's xDD I hardly wear earrings though, I take them off when I can and only wear them because I have to. ._.
I have pierced and stretched ears. I wear plugs unless it's my day off and I'm not going out. Sometimes I won't wear any jewelry if I'm going out, but I'll keep my hair down over my ears so people can't see my earholes o_O
Had them pierced when I was 10, but they caused too much inconvenience so I just let them close
Yes, I have thirds. I also got my cartilage pierced but it didn't want to heal so I had to take it out.:(
Yeah, I'll get a second ear piercing some day
I also wanted my nose and my helix (?? Idk the top of the ear) pierced but I'm scaRED
My parents forced me to when I was a little kid but I let them heal back when I was like 16.
i got them peirced when i was around 12 but they got infected and closed up. i wish i could get them done again but theres scar tissue so i dont think it would work
i got them peirced when i was around 12 but they got infected and closed up. i wish i could get them done again but theres scar tissue so i dont think it would work

It's a common misconception that scar tissue can't be pierced through. As long as it is healthy (i.e. no infection) it's safe to do and a good piercer will take a look at the area first to confirm it's fine. However it can be more painful than initially getting it pierced.
No, my ears aren't pierced. That tends to surprise a lot of people when I tell them, because while my ears aren't pierced, my lip is :p