Yeah, I wear earrings. I don’t really like wearing earrings most of the time because you have to take them off regularly (like when you’re taking a shower, unless it’s waterproof). I also have paranoia that they’d come off.
Yeah, I wear earrings. I don’t really like wearing earrings most of the time because you have to take them off regularly (like when you’re taking a shower, unless it’s waterproof). I also have paranoia that they’d come off.
i have my ears pierced because in 4th grade it was the cool thing to have and i would change up my earrings every day and was really happy w them, but now i'm too busy to change out my earrings all the time, so 90% of the time, i'm not wearing earrings and then every couple months i remember that i have pierced ears and then i put in earrings for a couple minutes to make sure the holes haven't closed lol
i'm sure that when i'm older i'll be glad i have pierced ears bc if i go to fancy events i can wear earrings :')
i got mine when i was six because i kept whining about it, and it's lowkey a tradition for the girls in my family to get piercings at a young age, usually done by one of the parents. but, i got mine professionally done for some reason that i cannot remember, and my dad made sure that my ears were never closed until the age of thirteen. right now, i don't really care if they close, but whenever i need to wear earrings and they've already closed, i just poke it through again
Nope. Can't. My mom always said I was allergic to the material and my skin would turn green. Dunno if that's true but it's what I was told and I wouldn't be interested in one anyway ^_^
I've had my ear lobes done twice but they've grown over each time and I have no real desire to get them done again, but I'm considering septum and cartilage.