Do You Know How To Write In Cursive?

Jan 18, 2015
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I remember being taught how to write in cursive when I was in elementary school but nowadays they don?t teach it anymore, so I?m curious do you know to write in cursive?
Yes. I was taught in elementary school as well but I don't write in cursive although I still know how to.

And read in cursive, obviously.
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Yes, although I don't do it or like it, personally I find learning it really pointless. It seems like it's still taught in some places in the UK, at least a few years ago it was. I personally write in block capitals, otherwise note-taking takes too long.
Oh yeah, in the 90's they were convinced it would be the only way people would write and now you barely see it anymore. If I really to start to write I find my handwriting will switch from print to cursive sometimes. I think if done well it's very beautiful, but can sometimes be hard to read.
Yes I learned how to write in cursive but it takes me much longer than printing so I never do it. I also find it difficult to read.
I learned how to write back in elementary school when "everyone writes in cursive in the real world, so we have to teach you early." I don't use it strictly anymore aside from signing my name. When I'm taking notes in class, though, I have a hybrid print-cursive technique going on that helps me write things down quickly. Strictly in cursive, however, takes me forever.
I write exclusively in chicken scratch, but I did learn cursive early in elementary school.
Yeah, we had to learn it in school. And it usually looks better than my normal handwriting, too.
I had the same deal of learning it in elementary school, being told we would need to know it for later, and then it was never relevant ever again.
I know how to sign my name in cursive since I have to do that plenty, and I remember other easy letters like i and t, but I'm clueless on the rest. I can sorta read cursive, but I'll probably stumble on a few letters.
Yep was actually taught in 1st grade. I need to improve the neatness of my cursive writing though lol.
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I knew how to when I was younger but now I've forgotten.

I'd like to learn how again, but it's not a huge priority
Q: Do You Know How To Write In Cursive?

A: Yes. I do know how to write in cursive. Though I haven't been practicing on it, so I am not sure how good I am with cursive as of now. Perhaps it isn't too bad... Lol. I should try it in my free time.