Do You Like Birthday Parties?

What Kind Of A Birthday Person Are You?

  • Overly Prepared, 50+ Person Party

  • Gathering Party, 10+ People

  • Chill Party, With Just Your Close Friends

  • Just A Normal Day, Except You Get Cake

  • Do Nothing For Your Birthday

  • Everyone Forgets Your Birthday

  • You Only Get Presents

  • You Only Get Cake

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I haven't had a birthday party since I was a kid and I'm fine with that. I'm not really a party person and I hate being the center of attention.

My birthday is just a day for me. I take off work, sleep late, stay home all day, and do whatever I feel like doing. I may go out to dinner with my husband, but if so, it's more like a quiet date night. My family also used to take me out to dinner sometime close to my birthday, but they stopped doing that a couple of years ago for financial reasons.

I never eat cake on my birthday anymore. There are other desserts I'd rather have.

I do get presents from my husband and usually some money from my family, so that's what I selected in the poll. That's honestly their choice though, and if they didn't give me anything it wouldn't upset me.
Chill party, or just not any party at all. Would prefer to spend it with close friends for the most part.
my birthday’s coming, i had a party once when i was 5 at the bowling alley and i was scared the whole time because my whole class went and i was shy. other than that i’ve never had anyone other than my aunt come over but this year my parents said that they would let my friends come. i sort of don’t want them to come over because of corona and idk what they’re going to do at my house for the rest of the time. it’s not like i’m going to have 10+ people over but still, what is there to do at my house for the remaining time. so no i don’t like birthday parties.
The options normal day and chill party are almost what I do on my birthdays. I don't actually have parties (or ever) and my birthday is almost like a normal day.

What I do is go shopping for my birthday, cause idk I like to shop. However my 16th and 21st were exceptions cause those are 'special ages'. For my 16th I went swimming with dolphins, a life long dream of mine💜 For my 21st I went to Disney and did some light drinking cause I legally could now.

Other than that I choose places I want to go shopping, I get to pick out a birthday dinner and also dessert. I like it, it's not an extravagant event but I just do things I like, which happen to be more simple.
No not really. I have a story to tell about this. Sooo when I was in 7th grade my parents surprised me by coming into my school and they got me birthday presents and cupcakes for all the students in my classroom. So at the time I was like both embarrassed and just uncomfortable at the time.

So yeah birthday parties are no longer a thing for me and I am young adult. I don't really much care about being in parties. Its always too noisy, loud and just too many people around me that makes me feel uncomfortable. Nothing against them its just that it drains my energy since I'm an introvert.
It took me a year to get over it but in Kindergarten, nobody came to my birthday party, so every year I've just been kind of watchful of my birthday. Just me and my close friends. Nobody else. I'm "lucky" enough to have my birthday on the first full week of school, so I have to have parties the Saturday before.
Kind of depends on what kind of mood I’m in that year, but I never want anything big. I say I don’t really expect presents, but I’d by lying if I say I don’t expect at least something. I usually just prefer food and hang out time with my family.
I had a few birthday parties when I was young, in order to celebrate with my school friends, which were fun at the time but not really something I'm interested in anymore.

These days I prefer a normal day with cake, though I always make sure I'm not working, usually just celebrating the day with my family and all going out for a meal together in the evening. Every now and then I'll do something a bit more special; sometimes I'll go to London for the weekend, usually to do some shopping or visit the theatre, or go on holiday with family or friends but I never throw a party for it now as I don't really like all the attention it brings and it often seems like too much hassle and stress to prepare.
i didn’t have many friends growing up, so i never had a birthday party with anyone other than family. that faded away around my 10th birthday and ever since then i maybe get a card in the mail from my aunt and a quick text from my parents.

sounds good to me though. i don’t like being the center of attention.
I voted just a normal day except I get cake. Usually my sister gets me a gift. My mom was the one who got me gifts before she passed away a few years ago. My birthday is actually this Friday. I’m getting some cannolis from a good Italian bakery
Nope, I think birthday parties are mostly boring. Whenever I went to one I'd just give the gift, eat, then leave usually lol.
As for me, I don't really celebrate. My partner and myself will usually just have a special meal and dessert.
I love birthday parties! I love the group ones like 10+ people cause then you can talk to some many friends and go bowling and do activities that require more people.
Everybody forgets mine. I think it's because it's early in the school year before people really get to know me. Plus I don't really celebrate it that much anyway since I hate parties.
I haven't had a proper birthday party since I was 10 so I really don't care much about the day, I just like chilling with my family and eating some cake. Now for other people's birthday parties however...they can do whatever they want and chances are I'll show up
I don't like celebrating my own birthday. My parents have forgotten my birthday for the past few years, but since moving home my brother has bought me a cake every year which was very sweet. We don't normally exchange gifts but I'll usually splurge on a game or something for myself. Back when I lived with room mates/near friends I would treat my small group of friends to dinner. Cake not really necessary, just a good excuse to eat out somewhere nice for once.
I'm a huge introvert, so I really don't like parties. I'll rather just eat cake and hang out with 1 or 2 friends
I don’t really do anything for my birthday, I’m usually working. I don’t like the cake the office gets for birthdays so I stay quiet about whether it’s my birthday.