Do you like Isabelle's announcements?

I like it when they changed it so she would say who was the visitor for the day. It was so annoying running around everyday for an visitor I didn't care for.
I do, it’s sweet! Admittedly you kind of ignore them once she says similar stuff on repeat but I’d miss them if she suddenly didn’t do them anymore 😊
There are days when I just want to bypass the announcements and dive straight into the game. However, I do appreciate the heads-up about which NPC, like Flick or CJ, is around. And it's definitely helpful to know when a camper is staying at the campsite so I don't miss out.
I like Isabelle and her announcements, I just wish we can spam her faster or she got straight to the point
I like them, and I do like the mundane ones where she talks about a show she’s watching or a crossword puzzle. However I do wish there was an option to disable them, both because sometimes you just want to get on with the game, and sometimes it’s nice to just discover a visitor on your island randomly without knowing beforehand.
At first, I liked them. I think Isabelle’s little quirks and animations add personality and charm to the game. Small details with the announcements contribute to her character. However, after a certain point, I find myself wishing for a skip button too, as her dialogue tends to become repetitive and somewhat boring. While I do appreciate her “story time” and what she brings when starting up the game, sometimes I just want to jump right into things. It would be nice if her announcements were a bit more relevant or varied over time. But I still appreciate all the little touches that make her stand out.
i enjoyed them when they first came about as it was nice to see know what was going on and who was visiting but nowadays most of the visitors i’m not too worried about so only really like them to find out about meteor showers so i don’t accidentally miss them - like others have mentioned, i wish there was a skip button as they can feel a bit to long to me at times but do think they fit Isabelle’s personality.
I like the announcements that are useful, I understand wanting to be surprised by a campsite villager but sometimes I do forget to just check on it and Id feel bad missing out. I also think the addition of the announcements about visitors are helpful ! Some of her announcements could be, shorter, though. I do find myself mashing through them and just skimming whatever's said to get the most important part
They kinda get on my nerves tbh. I love Isabelle as a character and the first time I saw them they were interesting but seeing the same exact dialog to say "nothing going on today! " is really annoyed after a while. I wish you could skip it.