do you like listening to music or podcasts more?

music or podcasts?

  • music all the way.

    Votes: 88 88.0%
  • podcasts for sure.

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • neither.

    Votes: 3 3.0%

  • Total voters
I'm definitely a music person.

Although I've considered starting ebooks when driving. I think I'd prefer those over podcasts.
When theres more than two people talking in podcasts it just starts to annoy me after a while xD maybe i would enjoy a real good podcast though. But you cant dance to them :p
Depending on what I'm doing, I like both. If I'm doing something where I need to focus, I prefer music. Always listen to music when I'm driving. If I'm doing something like exercising where my brain is just sitting around bored, I prefer podcasts to give me something to think about as well.
I listen to music to relax and I listen to podcasts to keep me entertained while I'm doing menial tasks. I definitely listen to music much more often though.
I've never listened to podcasts. I've tried listening to a few audio books that were loaned to me and I found that I would zone out and miss things sometimes. So I always figured the same thing would happen if I listened to podcasts, too.

I love listening to music, though. I have to have the radio on when I'm driving. Music also makes for good background noise when I'm trying to focus at work.
I used to listen to podcasts Constantly (I had about 50 that I regularly listened to) because I had the time to be able to just hang out and have them playing all the time. I listen to music more now because I'm a lot busier and I find it difficult to have podcasts just going in the background without wanting to only pay attention to what's going on in them haha
i'd rather live in a word without podcasts than a word without music but i find myself listening to more podcasts than music tho lol
for a while now i have really started to dislike listening to podcasts because i find a lot of them to be annoying. i watch youtube videos, and they are filled with people talking but just the concept of podcasts... idk i just think it's really really annoying to listen to a bunch of people talk about whatever while thinking they're important. this reply comes off as really negative and "i hate people"-sounding but that's not really what i mean. i can tolerate and even enjoy listening to people talk, it's just that podcasts generally aren't appealing to me. meanwhile, i am constantly listening to music. there are a lot of things i would sacrifice so i could keep listening to music
I'd prefer listening to music over a podcast most days. I usually get bored a lot easier listening to a podcast than I would listening to music.
I fall asleep every night listening to podcasts/youtube. I also shiny hunt at the same time (it takes a lot to distract me enough to fall asleep lol)
Music all the way. On the rare occasion when I'm not listening to music I'm basically thinking, "This is a waste of time I could be using to listen to music!"
Both, but if I absolutely had to pick, I'd go with music. I'm quite picky with what I listen to in general, though be it music, podcasts, or other things.
For me it depends on the activity that I’m doing. If I’m doing chores, sewing or crafting; then I prefer to choose podcasts.

However, if it’s activities that requires reading or creative thinking like drafting an essay; then I would prefer to listen to some genre of instrumental music.

Overall, I’d pick music because there’s more selection.
I’ve listened to podcasts every morning since quarantine started. They’re great to have in the background while walking or playing a video game. I certainly understand other people’s complaints about podcast though. Many of them are just people rambling for an hour. That’s why I tend to stick to fiction, news, and advice podcasts. They have a set topic while (hopefully) keeping things fresh.

That’s not to bash music though! There’s nothing like having a fitting playlist to enhance what you’re doing in the moment.