do you like yourself?


call me Bug 🇨🇦💜🐛
Oct 30, 2011
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Fresh Balloon
Cool Balloon
Glam Balloon
Strawberry Doll
Quirky Doll
Fresh Feather
Cool Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
inspired by the "do you like people" thread, now the main question is, do you like yourself?

I personally do, for the most part. I feel like I'm a decent person and I'm always self-observing and learning about myself so that I can become a better person. the only thing I don't like is how many mental health issues I have to deal with, mostly bipolar. but I'm very quirky and odd and funny, and I think being autistic leans into that too (I don't think being autistic is a fault, that's what makes me uniquely me!). I also try to be a good friend and listener to others, and I've gotten better about that. I know a lot of people like me, and I can see why! I'm a likeable person with all of my traits and even my faults. 😊💜
Yeah, I mostly like myself.

My self esteem can fluctuate so I wouldn't say I'm '100% self love all the time'.

I'm aware of my own flaws and I'm gradually working through them to better myself. I accepted that it's okay to not be perfect and that helped me accept myself more.
In my current state it's hard to like yourself when everyone wants you to be the definition of a "normal" teenager. :^(

But I can't just stop there. There are some things about me I'm mixed towards, but refuse to change anyway because it's become such an integral part of myself. My autism comes to mind.

I also don't like being called "perfect" too, because I am not and nothing is like that.

Might change this later when I get older...
I'll be honest, not entirely...

I'm very self-conscious about my weight...thing is, I really DO need to lose at least some weight as I'm in a very unhealthy range. I don't mind being a little chubby but I'm a little beyond that. Need to start going for walks.
It's really hard for me to love myself sometimes. I don't really like a lot of things about me, I hate how insecure and socially awkward I am all the time when in public and I end up constantly thinking I'm embarrassing myself or actually end up embarrassing myself. I also always have a hard time when letting go of past mistakes even when nobody cares anymore. I also really don't like the way I look and I'm super self conscious about it, it's why I always wear hoodies and face masks all the time.
I apologise if this sounds super whiney but that's how I think.
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Yes and no.
Mostly just like myself personality-wise and nothing else. I hate a lot of things that I cannot change. I also have a problem with how I sometimes act under stress. Theoretically, there should be something I can do about that one, but I am in a terrible situation.
i don't think there's a single part of myself that i like, yet there's little to no motivation to change. i wonder if my own self-dislike makes other people think differently of me. i feel like some self doubt is normal these days.
I like myself as a person, but I like other people outside of myself more. I like to focus on getting to know people, being friends with others, and helping others out.

I personally think society is too focused on loving yourself to an unhealthy degree, and it creates selfish people who think about no one but themselves. I can't stand people like that, but they're prevalent in society these days. If more people focused their attention outside of themselves and on others who may genuinely need help or just someone to talk to, I believe the world would be a better place.

There's also people who focus on others too much, to the detriment of their own health. I think my mom was this way and it was part of the reason she went to an early grave. I think there definitely needs to be a balance, but people who focus the majority of their attention on themselves are just selfish imo.
Generally yeah, I like myself. The main things I dislike are the ones that feel out of my control and socially embarrassing. I don't like that I get so easily overwhelmed, and that I get anxiety attacks (overstimulation is really hard to manage!). I don't have good control of my tone and tend to speak bluntly. I can come across rude without intending to, so I often find myself misunderstood. I also hate the nasty things I sometimes say to myself to try to "keep myself in line". I'm pretty self aware about it now though, and don't feel like that's actually me, it's just other people's words echoing in my head. Overall, I think we're all works in progress. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and work on what I can control about myself to be the me I want to be.
I'm conflicted on myself. I think I'm a nice, smart, and a considerate person, but I also hate my appearance and I hate that I've made so many social mistakes. Therapy has helped a lot though and I no longer outright dislike myself. I can see the positive qualities I have even if the negative parts bother me sometimes.
Now? Yes. Ten years ago? No. In high school, I was quiet and bullied quite a bit. (I still am quiet; was also diagnosed with Asperger’s as a teen.)

We all have our insecure moments, but overall I love myself. It took a long time to get here, and I don’t see myself going back.

I think the most important thing, to feel good about yourself, is to do what you love. (A hobby, a craft, etc.) It sounds odd, but that’s what boosts your mood and in turn your confidence. (at least for me)