Do you multitask whilst playing Animal Crossing?


Don’t eat me. I have a wife and kids. Eat them.
Apr 16, 2020
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Gold Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish

I'm curious wether other people also like multitasking whilst playing animal crossing? For example, I like to catch up on Netflix/Disney+ series in the meantime. At the moment, I'm rewatching Friends for the 1000nd time, it's a perfect "background show" since I know the dialogues from memory by now, hehe. I haven't really tried listening to music whilst playing, though, maybe need to give that a try. :blush:
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I'm currently watching Ted Bundy: Mind of a Monster while playing.

It's better than NH. :D
I'm currently watching Ted Bundy: Mind of a Monster while playing.

It's better than NH. :D

Is that on netflix? I've heard it's an interesting show but never got to actually watching it :/
always! it's very rare that my sole focus is animal crossing haha, majority of the time I need to at least have some music on in the background just to keep me going. most of the time I'm catching up on my youtube watch later or watching netflix, though! that's not strictly an animal crossing thing though - if I'm doing some kind of visual task, I have some kind of extra audio in the background otherwise I get bored and it's too quiet
Always! I'm usually watching YouTube, Twitch, Netflix, etc. Or I'll have my phone open on discord chatting with friends. Solving Professor Layton puzzles, etc. The only time I play New Horizons without multitasking is when I *just* wake up in the morning and I don't want to get out of bed yet. I'll usually do my main character's dailies and then once that's done, I'll go back to bed. Once I wake up to do my other 3 characters' dailies, I'm definitely multitasking XD
I used to watch ID a fair amount. The shows are more or less all the same content but I like some of the titles themselves like "Wives with Knives"

Sounds like the place to be to watch some freaky people, lol. I did recently got a bit addicted to those TLC shows that are so bad it becomes good :LOL:
I don't usually multitask while playing but there are some instances where I do. When Nook mile Island hopping I definitely need a show or video to watch because I tend to go to A LOT of islands. If I'm hunting for balloons for seasonal diys I will sometimes multi task with cleaning or cooking a meal or something. I just go back to my switch to check for balloons at the balloon spawn times.
Yeeeeppp. I basically always multitask, but ACNH is especially good for it, since the dialogue isn't really important, and I don't have to think while tracking things. It sucks when I have to keep pausing whatever I'm watching/listening to or the game to focus on what's going on in one or the other.
Always multi task. When playing I will either have the tv on watching a tv show or a movie. Always accompanied with suitable snacks 😂

I am rarely on Animal crossing without having the forum open to annoy people (sorry 😂) or just see what’s going on with buying and selling interesting items. Occasionally on discord but that is very new and I am worse at that than this forum 🙈
Like most of the above posters I am nearly always watching something while I play AC, most of the time it will be Youtube videos but other times it will be a series on Netflix or something interesting on the telly. I also often chat with friends while I play, especially during the evening to have a catch up. Sometimes when I'm not really watching anything in particular I'll just browse the web while I'm playing and do some online shopping and I'll always have music on if I'm not watching something.
I play while I work from home. I started work from home on March 16th; it was only supposed to be for a week as a stress test, but here we are. Company has no plans to go back before April. Which kind of sucks because I left a couple amiibo there for decoration and I want them back for safekeeping. :(
I usually focus on just Animal Crossing. Whenever I play it's because I'm doing something specific like designing an area of my town and I need full focus. Sometimes though, I'll be texting friends too but usually it's a solo round.
Same. I always multitask. Its a great chance to take a break why I am doing school work. The background music is not too loud that I cant leave it on why I am studying. The game not too involoving that I cannot put it down aftwr the study break. I also have bwen knkwn to watch tv or youtube or netflix why playing.
Wow I had no idea so many people multitask with Animal Crossing! I’m not a great multitasker in general so I usually am only playing the game and not doing anything else. The closest I come to multitasking is if I’m balloon hunting and then I just leave my game on as I do something else and check in every 5 minutes.