Oh 100%! I often play while watching TV. I rarely eat while playing since its kind of gross/messy and I don't want to mess up my switch and get it all dirty. But I will definitely sit there and watch a movie or listen to music or something. I will say I only do that if the show/film is something I've already seen before or something I'm not very interested in. I never multitask on the first run through something, you really can't pay attention to either enough.
I play a lot when I'm talking on the phone too. Because of this I rarely play with sound on, save one or two occasions on the weekends when I give it my full attention. I honestly would have probably 15 minutes a week to play if I didn't multitask. I look at the time I get to play undistracted as kind of a luxury I can rarely afford! I even play sometimes while doing chores/housework. Gotta keep my islands up, right?