Do you multitask whilst playing Animal Crossing?

No, I'm a one task person. It would be sensory overload if I had youtube/TV going or whatever else.

I almost always play with the game music on but I've played it sound off when I'm super focused on terraforming or if I voice chat with friends.
Oh 100%! I often play while watching TV. I rarely eat while playing since its kind of gross/messy and I don't want to mess up my switch and get it all dirty. But I will definitely sit there and watch a movie or listen to music or something. I will say I only do that if the show/film is something I've already seen before or something I'm not very interested in. I never multitask on the first run through something, you really can't pay attention to either enough.

I play a lot when I'm talking on the phone too. Because of this I rarely play with sound on, save one or two occasions on the weekends when I give it my full attention. I honestly would have probably 15 minutes a week to play if I didn't multitask. I look at the time I get to play undistracted as kind of a luxury I can rarely afford! I even play sometimes while doing chores/housework. Gotta keep my islands up, right? 😂
Sometimes. When I'm busy knocking things down and terraforming I am more likely to have something on in the background. I also carve out time to play when supper is in the oven or during little spaces like that, so I am normally multitasking. Part of the beauty of AC is that I can drop it as a moments notice and not have anything bad happen.
The only time I multitask is if I’m resetting for the perfect map, villager hunting, or trying to move in a campsite villager. Then I’ll watch something on youtube with the game volume turned off so I don’t get annoyed with how repetitive my current task is. During normal play though I have to focus on the game because I’ll get distracted and forget I’m playing if I try to do something else.
Oh 100%! I often play while watching TV. I rarely eat while playing since its kind of gross/messy and I don't want to mess up my switch and get it all dirty. But I will definitely sit there and watch a movie or listen to music or something. I will say I only do that if the show/film is something I've already seen before or something I'm not very interested in. I never multitask on the first run through something, you really can't pay attention to either enough.

I play a lot when I'm talking on the phone too. Because of this I rarely play with sound on, save one or two occasions on the weekends when I give it my full attention. I honestly would have probably 15 minutes a week to play if I didn't multitask. I look at the time I get to play undistracted as kind of a luxury I can rarely afford! I even play sometimes while doing chores/housework. Gotta keep my islands up, right? 😂

I feel ya for doing it during chores and work too, haha. Especially when I'm trading a lot via Nookazon for example, when there are many people coming over and usually (most of the time :/) they tend to take their time so I just place my switch down while cooking or working on things and wait for the "someone is coming over" sound. Although, I need to beat the switch going in time-out as it messes up my open gates, lol 🤦‍♂️
I feel ya for doing it during chores and work too, haha. Especially when I'm trading a lot via Nookazon for example, when there are many people coming over and usually (most of the time :/) they tend to take their time so I just place my switch down while cooking or working on things and wait for the "someone is coming over" sound. Although, I need to beat the switch going in time-out as it messes up my open gates, lol 🤦‍♂️
I actually changed the time I would get before the screen goes to sleep just because I multitask so much while playing. 😂 I’ve definitely let it go to sleep and forgot about it for a while. Thankfully not ever when someone was over!!
I'm always doing something else whilst playing animal crossing, watching Netflix or something, listening to music or podcasts or wandering about my flat doing chores lol!
I'm glad to see lots of other people multitask too, I thought it was just me and my anxiety trying to keep busy although I think it is also because now I don't have as much to do in it to keep me occupied .. other than constantly hunting for balloons and trying to gather missing DIYs and art
I actually changed the time I would get before the screen goes to sleep just because I multitask so much while playing. 😂 I’ve definitely let it go to sleep and forgot about it for a while. Thankfully not ever when someone was over!!

I did NOT just found out after 3 years owning a switch there's an adjustable timer!?
I'm dead x_x
But tbf I almost never went into settings 😂
a strong majority of the time i'm either listening to true crime podcasts or watching jerma's streams
i dont always multitask while playing animal crossing but if im terraforming or something and it's taking forever then sometimes i put a show on for background noise lol
I usually watch a show/YT and play a mobile game while doing my AC tasks.
I have definitely been guilty of doing some grindy things while talking on the phone with family (I hate talking on the phone so it helps me pass the time). So I'll dig up clams to make bait, farm balloons, or dive for sea creatures. Those things don't really need the sound on so it's easy to stealth play without insulting anyone, haha.
All the time! (And this goes for every Animal Crossing game.) I always have YouTube or music running in the background while I do my chores and talk to my villagers. The only time I don't have anything on is when I'm fishing.

Every once in a while, I'll lower the volume on my music, pause that YouTube video, and turn up the volume and just...admire the soundtrack of whatever game I'm playing. Because I started a new town though, that infernal tutorial music is STILL playing on my island and I actually find myself dreading fishing because I know I'll hear it again. Can't wait to hear some actual music!
Lately I've been getting into Flight Rising again, so I've been multitasking playing Animal Crossing with exalting dragons in the coliseum at the same time. Makes the pain of your eliminate getting dodged three times in a row more bearable. 💀
ive got two islands now so i usually get caught up playing both lol like ill be trading on one and making something on the other

usually though i cant focus on both ac and youtube, but i usually play some music while playing!
Yes. I listen to you tube videos and sometimes play Toon Blast at the same time. Although, Toon Blast is hard to play while playing Horizons.
I think the nearest to multitasking I get is having acnh on in the background while I'm on the forums, or vice versa :') I like chilling in villager homes without actively playing much honestly, I find it comforting 😅
If you count answering messages and reading some posts here on tbt, then yes. But I don't watch tv or anything like that while playing. I used to do that while playing sports games, as I would listen to long podcasts.