Do you multitask whilst playing Animal Crossing?

i'm always doing a mix of things while i play acnh ☆
i'll mainly be texting my sister or looking through posts on here but i'll also be watching tv, playing my ds's, sewing etc
sometimes i'll listen to music while i play but then i just sit there for ages picking a song while my character stands around (unless k/da comes on, that stays on repeat lol)

but yeah i can't just do one thing, especially on animal crossing because it's a pretty slow game tbh
Yes, ACNH makes it so easy to multitask. Usually (when I am playing it) I'm talking on the phone, watching YouTube, podcasts or catching up on movies/anime. It's probably because AC is not a competitive game like Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario Kart, so it doesn't demand as much attention or energy, making it easier to focus on other things. One of the many reasons it's a relaxing experience. That and the ost isn't exactly engaging
I love listening to true crime videos, "tea spill"/drama videos, or any YouTube videos where the person is basically just talking to the camera as I play. I don't really like the music in New Horizons, so it's a good excuse to turn the volume down and listen to something else! Plus, my attention span is super short, so I can't really watch those YouTube videos unless I'm doing something else as I watch.
I can't fully watch TV or movies while playing ACNH, and can only have audio playing (podcasts or music). Sometimes I'll have a twitch stream on in the background, but I'd only be listening to the audio. Its too disruptive for me to keep looking up towards the tv or my laptop screen, and then back down to my switch. Plus I wear glasses to see far away and like to take them off for reading or playing my switch (up close), so it would be even more of an effort to constantly take them on and off to see another screen, least I keep them on and get a headache. But even if I just have audio playing, I feel like I'm only 80% listening if I'm doing some hardcore decorating or terraforming bc I'm concentrating so hard lol
Yep, I usually always have a movie going at minimum or show. I'll play while re-listening to recorded lectures as well and reading over material for the second or beyond time for school.
Since it's laid back and no real penalty, it makes it a great game to multi-task with for me.
typically no, unless it's music, I don't really like having videos on in the background if I kno I'm not gonna be able to watch most of it bc my focus is on AC.
Sometimes I play another game at the same time, like Jurassic World Alive, where I only have to hit a button every ten seconds or so anyway. Other than that, it's mostly just music that I listen to at the same time.
These days, when the game doesn't take much focus, I'll play while watching Netflix. If I happen to wake up early I usually play while I have my coffee, I can't multitask that early in the morning.
Most of the time while doing my daily chores in NL, I'll be watching something on Youtube... most likely stuff I've already watched a billion times, because I love to rewatch my favorites, like Oddheader, Electrical Beast's Mario 64 LP, Game Theory FNAF videos, or Larry Bundy Jr. Fact Hunt videos. The exception is that when I want to do any fishing, I have to listen to the game because for some reason, hearing the little *splish* when the fish bites at the bait makes or breaks whether I can fish successfully at all. In those situations, I'll idly read posts on TBT.
I don't really.. I usually play the game with the sound on laying in bed. I will watch a show if I'm island hopping tho, and sometimes I'll be here at the forum
Oh definitely. I am going for all the achievements, and I would not manage that without doing it on autopilot while watching stuff on YouTube, Twitch or Netflix.

Also, I work from home and some meetings should definitely have been an email. But hey, it's good for the development of my island. Shrug.
for some reason, i have to multi-task when doing 90% of things, or at least watch/listen to something at the same time, and animal crossing is no exception. i'll usually play NH while watching youtube videos and simultaneously playing a game on my phone. ac is probably the only console game where this applies though, since most others require you to have both hands free, whereas i only need my left one for the majority of my NH playtime to walk around.
I watch YouTube videos while I play! Usually I’ll let my “watch later” playlist go through a bunch of videos just so I can get them out. Or I’ll watch let’s plays or rants. As a matter of fact, right now I’m watching someone make a personal tier list for all the current villagers in the game.
not usually, no. i’ve never been good at multitasking so i prefer to do just one activity at a time but sometimes when i’m working at my nm achievements or island hopping, i’ll scroll through tiktok or watch something on youtube/netflix just so that i don’t get bored. :’^)
When I'm doing things like terraforming or trying to kick out a villager or other similar repetitive tasks I will absolutely put on something to watch, otherwise I feel like losing my mind. But when I'm actively playing then it's gonna be my sole focus.
I have dumb ADHD, so I always play handheld videogames while watching shows or movies lol

sometimes I'll play AC while waiting for other things to load, too, like sims 3
Usually not as gaming is suppose to be my unwinding and chill time. Once in a while ill put instrumental music on but NH music track is usually ok for me as it is. Plus balloon noise..
Not all the time, but sometimes I'll watch a Youtube video or watch some hockey while playing NH, especially if I'm doing something where I don't really have to focus on the game and can just mash A (more or less).