Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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No I do not as its unatural to me and I think that they are really rude. I try to be calm and rarely do bad words come to my mind. SORRY FOR EDITING BUT THE OLD RESPONSE WAS SO IGNORANT AND FLOPPY 🥲
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I sometimes swear, lol. It’s between “sometimes” and “usually” for me.
Honesty is the best policy, right? I don't wanna lie.

I swear a lot...
no, only when im mad and post on the what’s bothering you thread haha. i don’t in real life because i know my parents won’t like it lol
I don't swear super often, no. I can swear and when i do it usually catches people off guard if they havent heard me do it before because swearing isn't something in my immediate vocabulary. I usually only swear when I'm really upset. I work with little kids and I find it's better to not be used to swearing - that way it won't slip out when I stub my toe, or drop something, or whatever else.
how have I never commented in this thread lmaoooo

yes I swear a lot, and no I'm not ashamed of it. I don't swear around my parents or in professional places though, just out of respect (even though my parents swear around me nonstop, been that way as long as I can remember). I do it a lot more when I'm playing video games, not bc I get mad but because it somehow makes my game playing experience even funnier (prob because some of my favorite youtubers are Poofesure and AVGN so I have a taste for it).

it's made even better by the fact that, on the surface, I really don't look like the kind of person who would talk like that. to this day if I actually see myself saying a swear then it still surprises me 🤣
Usually whenever I play a game that is hard and then when I keep dying over and over it causes me to swear. I have to do it quietly so that my parents don't hear me.
I voted a lot, because I swear a lot and I mean A LOT 😂 I watch what I say around strangers and people who are sensitive to that type of thing in general but the more comfortable I am with someone the more no-no words tend to slip out of my mouth. Swear words are just built in my natural speaking vocabulary. It gets especially bad when I'm annoyed/frustrated. It doesn't matter whether it's online or face-to-face, I voice swear words with no shame.

To me, ***** can be both a playful name or filled with displeasure towards someone I straight up don't like, and if I don't like them I'll make sure they know it. I refer to friends and women as *****es but if you're a nasty individual, well you're just a ***** lol

It surprises people IRL when I swear around them because I'm usually introverted and they don't expect it. I've had friends in school and coworkers say they like that side of me more haha
i never swear
for some reason it’s just more satisfying to say random things like p l a t y p u s e s
I’ve developed a habit for cursing in real life. If I’m particularly irritated or angry I’ll let one slip. I don’t do it online unless I’m quoting someone though. Cursing just looks weird on text to me.
Sometimes, it depends on the mood I'm in. It's usually minor swears though, and once in a blue moon an F-bomb.
As a youngster, I really thought I would never utter a swear word ever. And then I started getting bullied, and realized that one of the ways I could feel some sort of power over my bullies without actually hitting anyone was if I started cussing like a sailor.

So now I'm a timid and introverted person who will swear madly left and right.