do you take any electronics to the bathroom ?

electronics to the bathroom

  • yes

    Votes: 106 70.7%
  • no

    Votes: 44 29.3%

  • Total voters
I don't. The only thing I could conceivably bring is my phone, but if I have it on me then it stays in my pocket, since I have no need to bring it out while I'm in the bathroom, lol
People who read eBooks in the bathtub are to be feared. Are they not afraid of dropping their device in the water?

If I bring my phone into the bathroom with me, it's usually in a drawer or in a place where I can't touch it. I like to listen to soothing music in the bath or while I'm putting on makeup. Otherwise, I'm not keen on taking it with me.
I don't know about them, but when I read something on my phone in the tub, I just hold my phone outside the tub and keep a hand towel near by.
I don't bring my phone into the bathroom when I'm using it because for one that's gross and also I don't wanna get distracted and end up scrolling on something like instagram for half an hour when I could've just been in there for 5 minutes, but when I'm in the shower I'll have my phone sitting on the sink counter to know if someone texted me and of course so I can use it a bit while I'm waiting for my hair to dry. Using my phone in the shower? No thanks, it may be water-resistant but I'm not willing to test that
i do! when im on the toilet i use it lol and sometimes when i take a shower i use it to listen to music
I always take my phone with me. If I’m just going in for a quick second, I may leave it, but not typically. I like having my phone with me. This is especially the case if I’m using a bathroom inside a bus or a train. I would never leave my phone on the seat or just sitting somewhere unattended. That’s basically asking for trouble. Even with my dad watching my portable phone charger while I went to the bathroom, that was stolen in the Airport in Chicago. It was screwed up.
Yeah, I like scrolling while brushing my teeth. I also sometimes listen to music while I bathe, but I place my phone far from the shower so I don't get it wet.
Not too often but when I do, it's mostly my phone because I'm watching Netflix or youtube and don't want to pause
No and I've never had the desire to, plus I find it weird that some people need to have some form of entertainment with them whilst their on the toilet. The thought of germs migrating from other places to your phone screen is enough to make me want to gag. Even though I can see the appeal of chilling in the bath with either your phone, tablet or laptop to watch a TV show or film after a long and stressful day, it's just not something I've ever desired to do when I'm in the bathroom.
when i'm at home, no. i don't like the idea of touching my phone in between brushing my teeth, touching my face, and doing my business... it feels unsanitary to me.
when i'm in a public bathroom, i have my phone with me in my pocket or in a bag. i don't take it out when i'm at the toilet, but i may take it out when i've washed my hands and need to check the time/quickly text someone.
Yes. Either to read stuff on here, watch Bobs Burgers, or listen to music in my phone lol.

Beats reading the back of a shampoo bottle.
I probably shouldnt but I always take my phone to the bathroom,, I literally use my phone while in the shower. Yes it gets wet and yes I panic everytime but I keep doing it because Im so glued to the stupid thing.
I just think it's funny
My phone usually comes with me. Glad to see I'm not alone! It's not really something I think of though, just a habit at this point.