Always. Lol. I have such a short attention span that I oftentimes can't even pee without looking at my phone. Wish I was exaggerating, but no, I'm not. >.<
No, I don't ever take any electronics with me into the bathroom. Fortunately, I didn't grow up with a gadget in my hand all the time, so it's not necessary. However, I don't really see much wrong with like listening to a portable radio/boom box while in the shower, but it does disgust me when people use their smartphones while defecating.
Occasionally, if I need my phone to text someone while I'm in the shower for whatever reason, or if I'm watching YouTube/listening to music and I don't want to pause. I normally don't. If I do bring my phone in the bathroom while I shower, I nestle it between washcloths so it's not exposed to the steam. It's also on vibrate always and not near me or in easy reach, so if someone texts me I'm not gonna see it. It's only for if I need to text someone about somethim once then be done.
Nope, never. I have no need for my phone while I'm in the shower; that's my quiet time to relax and get lost in my thoughts. I don't need it when I'm doing my business either.
To the toilet? Never. It doesn't seem very sanitary, for one thing, and I've also heard way too many stories about phones dropped in places phones should never go.
As for the bath or shower... not anymore, and never with anything expensive. I used to take my MP3 player to the bath with me, and I was always very careful with it... until one day when my cat decided that the small object on the side of the bathtub looked like a fun thing to bat into the water. I was not fast enough and had to get a new MP3 after that. It does not come with me to the bath. If I had something cheap and more water-safe that I could bring, though, I probably would; I'd love to listen to music in the shower.
sometimes, yeah. i have IBS and so i bring my phone into the bathroom with me whenever i’m going through a flare up as i never know how long i’ll be in there for lol. i’ll also bring in my switch if i have a trade to do or if i’m hanging out with someone. this is tmi i’m sorry LOL
I never take my phone to the bathroom if I'm just going to the toilet or taking a shower as I don't really have any need for it and it seems to unhygienic to me to use my phone while sat on the loo. Also I've been put off by the fact that too many family members have water damaged their phones down the toilet that I avoid it at all costs.
However when I take a bath I do generally have my phone in the bathroom in order to listen to music, I put a playlist on before I do anything else and then place my phone on a ledge far away from the toilet and bath so that I can enjoy the songs while relaxing.
My own bathroom yes. I mean just like other things that exist in the bathroom, don't touch stuff if your hands aren't clean or if your hands are soapy.
People who read eBooks in the bathtub are to be feared. Are they not afraid of dropping their device in the water?
If I bring my phone into the bathroom with me, it's usually in a drawer or in a place where I can't touch it. I like to listen to soothing music in the bath or while I'm putting on makeup. Otherwise, I'm not keen on taking it with me.
I've lived life on the edge for years now when it comes to that. I generally don't bring my phone into the bathroom, but I love browsing while I take a bath. I know it's not the brightest idea and it'll probably go south one of these days. However, it's a habit I can't break.