Do you try to balance out the personality types in your town?

Yeah at least 1 of each! I gotta see different dialogue. I love normals though! So I'm gonna keep 2 (Pekoe, Maggie)

I have a citrus theme, so they have to be related to citrus in name or colour!
I’m torn. I love having varied dialogue from all the personality types, but my dreamies are overwhelmingly the normal personality. Maybe they could have spread out the adorableness a little better! How am I supposed to choose between all the normal villagers that melt my heart?
I have two snooty and one of every other personality type.

I'm planning to add a second sisterly (Phoebe, once her amiibo card arrives) and then keep that balance
i like all personality types in my town, i'd never miss one out. in saying that though i don't have a snooty but it's not intentional, kinda got suckered into 3 normals bc i kept running into rly good ones in the islands
I'm going 1 of each personality, doubling up on lazy and smug. In regards to dialogue - is it confirmed that all personalities share the same dialogue? My Sherb and Raddle are both lazy but so far seem to have different dialogues, however my Sherb and my friend's Stitches (also Lazy) seem to say the same things.
I'm trying, but I can barely keep a balanced gender ratio at the moment. I have 3 females and 4 males, yet one of my females asked to move out. Fingers crossed I can get a good peppy or snooty to replace her.
In NL, I tried to balance them out as evenly as possible. I'm not sure if I'll do that for NH, but probably not.
I’m torn. I love having varied dialogue from all the personality types, but my dreamies are overwhelmingly the normal personality. Maybe they could have spread out the adorableness a little better! How am I supposed to choose between all the normal villagers that melt my heart?

@spaceapple I knowwww the normal villagers are so adorable. Most of my dreamies are normal as well.
I try not to have more than 2 of each personality/species (with the exception of wolves!) but man is it hard, there are way more smug, normal and cranky villagers that I love compared to other personality types. I especially wish that I had a dreamy in the uchi category! :''3
I generally try to have at least one of every personality type on my island/town, but I feel like I always have two lazy or peppy villagers since I really like their character designs
Yes. Imagine having 10 Uchi Villagers, that would be nightmare for most people
nooot really the only male villagers i have are lazy <3 and everyone is either snooty(2)/peppy(2)/normal(2)
I went out of my way to have all the personality types, and I did it! Found my new cranky, and I'll have two lazies and two peppies once I finish Tutu's amiibo grind.

I have 5 guys/5 ladies and a variety of of heights and animal types, I couldn't be more stoked.
i originally wanted to go for maximum PINK aesthetic so i didn't care. then i had four snooty villagers. i am now in the process of evicting ALL of them and most of the rest as well to get a fresh start. not saying i won't have snooty villagers in the future, but on god, i really need a change of pace from the cutesy stuff i had going on in NL.