Do your parents spy on you?


Mar 30, 2015
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Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
As the title says: Do your parents do that?

My mom NEVER sees anything of my private stuff however my dad does it :( Even through he knows i hate it and i have told him

In fact i always fear when my phone is close to him :T

How about you?
No my parents don't spy on me. I'm an adult so that would be kind of weird tbh.
Not as much now but they do stare at my laptop screen whenever I'm using it around them - it ticks me off >o>
I bet my mom goes through my room sometimes too because she does that with my sister's...
Not that I know of. As annoying as it may be, I wouldn't flip out on them if they did.
I'd just get super irritated. mainly because i'm in incognito mode 99% of the time.. they won't find much

They think I'm the most innocent out of all 3 of their children, though. So I don't worry about them doing that. Mwahahaha
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No, I'm adult but they never did it when I was younger either. Like they'd check my social medias to see what I'm up to but that's hardly spying. They're just curious about my life.
yes ugh so annoying I have to keep my phone away at all times when I'm near them
Nah, my Mom knows that even if I did have something to hide, it would just break the trust I have for her and make me hide things even more if she started snooping.
No. My parents trust me plus I never do anything so there's no reason to spy on me
They've tried many times, but I try to prevent it from happening. If my mom catches me on a forum she always tries to get me to get off, even if it's one like ACC.
Yes. ACC.
I'm an adult so that would be weird if they did lmao. they never did even when I was younger though, probably because I'm a good kid :cool:
yESS. 😓 its so ughh. I got in trouble when I was younger and their constantly just like "Give me your phone" at absolutely random times and I follow them around the house throwing a temper tantrum until I get it back. I must sound like I'm 5 but in reality I am 16.
No not really, they never really did it when I was a kiddo either.

They just used to, and still to a slight extent like to make sure I'm studying well and not wasting my life away. Something they think I've been doing since the past year.
Noo my mum said she wouldn't do stuff like that and that she respects me privacy, but she occasionally asks me what I'm doing on my phone....I'd get pissed at her if she did look through it though
My mother used to spy on my stuff but then of a time she gave up because she noticed i hated it and i got away from her because of her spying