Do your parents spy on you?

I always thought it was weird that my parents didn't take any interest in my personal life/interests since all my friends had super over protective parents. i mean she didn't even cancel the dirty programs on tv after hours. we had no censorship or anything like that growing up... mom just kind of let us do our thing and figure things out on our own. got all the drinking and drug experiences out of the way... realised early on that that's not really what i'm into anyways. i think i turned out okay so i guess her method of parenting worked? haha. i know a lot of my friends who got into really bad situations in college because they went crazy with their freedom. some part of me think she was super lenient because she was doing sketchy ***** herself. if my dad had raised us it would be a completely different story.
My financial side and anything else that is addressed to myself is kept to myself. There are times when I do discuss things to my parents but I don't find it necessary to tell them everything. My parents are both aware that my personal life remains separate and is not to be discussed about, they respect that I have confidential information. :)
Also yeah they don't really spy on my phone other than if I would go over my text/internet/call quota but tbh I don't think I do that anyways lol. I mean my mom try to spy on my texts but tbh I would never give out numbers to random internet people and I don't really have any social media apps.. well steam but I only have it for login and sell market item purpose.
my parents are incredibly chill, the only part of my life they tend to be a bit more interested in is my financial state, but i am terrible with money so i actually appreciate it. like they wouldn't open my statements or whatever but i know i've left them round the house before and they've had a look and been like 'wtf'
I know my mom TRIES too. She used to read my diary when I was little, but ever since I got a phone/computer it's been a lot harder for her. (She can open the lock on my diary, but she's clueless when it comes to technology :p ). It's kind of annoying though, because even though I live with her, I AM an adult, and her prying is a pain in the butt.
no but she calls me from time to time, she also tries to add me on facebook which i guess is kinda weird.
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haha no they really don't spy on me at all. occasionally my dad will walk in and try to look over my shoulder when i'm on the computer but that's about it. they don't touch my diaries and they don't even know how to get into my ipod, lol.
Not really, I have pretty chill parents. Sometimes, my dad will look over my shoulder and watch what I'm doing on my phone as a joke, but that's the farthest it'll go. For now at least.

well some have more bs parents than others :] and yeah thankfully i don't really have social media so they can't add me there (Also i would probably not want my parents or anything cause they would probably be worse parents there) well i have discord but i hardly use it so eh and i don't really use my real name online unless it's professional work/school sites so lol.

also yeah my dad tried adding me on like skype way back when i had im like no wtf not adding you
with social media, like, i mean, it's not always weird for parents to friend or follow their child on social media, as long as the child knows about it and is okay with it. i personally don't think parents should tell their children to take certain statuses down or anything tho

but if the parent is snooping around where theyknow their child doesnt want them o look, then that's rly rude and invasive of their privacy
with social media, like, i mean, it's not always weird for parents to friend or follow their child on social media, as long as the child knows about it and is okay with it. i personally don't think parents should tell their children to take certain statuses down or anything tho

but if the parent is snooping around where theyknow their child doesnt want them o look, then that's rly rude and invasive of their privacy

lol yeah my dad would probably be like "rewrite that status omfg!111" so yeah i wouldn't want him for that and he can be really sneery and treat me like o'm 10 lol
No, my mum wouldn't invade my privacy. My dad is too busy to do it anyway lol, and I think they can both trust me. :)
Nope, my mom never spy on me when I was younger. But I knew people who were (often told me this) back then.
as far as i know, my mum has never spied on me. there has been at least two occasions where my brother has snooped through my stuff, though. stuff i don't want any of my family to see, too... :/ but luckily he hasn't told anybody about anything he found, as far as i know. and there has been a few times where my sisters have managed to get to my stuff, though in their case they weren't actually spying - they were just too young back then to understand that they shouldn't be doing stuff with other people's things without their permission.

because of my brother and my sisters, i've password-protected my phone and my tablet so they can't get onto either of them.
That's really unhealthy. I'm so glad my parents never spied on me or anything like that. I feel very confident in telling my mother my secrets now. I don't know how I'd do that if she spied on me all my childhood.