Does it bother you when people mispronounce your name?

King koopa

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Aug 16, 2020
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This is another thread I was thinking of making last year but never got the chance too, until now. This thread is for anyone with hard to pronounce names irl. For me it depends. If it's the first time someone ever met me, I'll let it slide but if someone is doing it on purpose that's when I get angry and annoyed.
So what about you guys?
Also sorry if this thread already exists
My first name is easy to pronounce and I've never had any issues with it, but my maiden name was extremely difficult for people. Everyone would mispronounce or misspell it and it did get annoying after a while. I know they didn't do it on purpose, but after correcting the millionth person for the millionth time it starts to feel bothersome.

I was happy to get married and take my husband's last name because his was easy to pronounce...but people still misspell it because there are two common spellings and they always pick the wrong one.

For the record, I don't believe that married women have to take their spouse's names. It should be voluntary and I just wanted to do it because of all the hassle I had with my original name.
I’ve had people mispronounce my last name, which is easy IMO, so I think it’s funny when it happens. It’s rare, but I like to laugh about it when it happens.
People mispronounce and misspell my last name all the time. It’s an uncommon German name, so that isn’t too surprising.
I’ve had people mispronounce my last name, and I don’t even like it. I go by my first and middle name. My first name is very common and easy to say, so nobody ever pronounces it wrong. I don’t mind the mispronunciation of my last name because I dislike it anyway, and avoid using it if possible. I was planning on dropping my last name and just changing my legal name to my first and middle name. You don’t need a middle name.
people mispronounce both my full first and last names all the time — sometimes at the same time — so i’m kind of used to it as annoying as it is 😅 my name is a quote un-quote “”female variant”” so it’s got an extra -le at the end and a lot of people manage to read it as the other version instead. used to drive me nuts when i was in school and it would always get botched during role call. and i’ve heard about every mispronunciation under the sun for my last name. even if it’s the first time someone’s saying my name i don’t let it slide lol too stubborn to deal with it even if i don’t like either name
Yes, sometimes, but it doesn’t really bother me. I got made fun of once for having a boys name which doesn’t bother me with. The girls that did it I could do with out though.
My last name is easy to pronounce but fairly uncommon and you probably wouldn't guess how it's spelled just from hearing it. I've had people horribly misspell it soooo many times that at this point whenever somebody asks I just show them my ID lol.
Nah. I'm used to people mispronouncing my name. Here's a funny story.

My husband, when he was 18, went to France to study engineering. He and two more students from here were in the same class. On the first day, the professor did a roll call. But, at some point, he became unintelligible. No one knew what he was trying to pronounce. Finally, he gave up and looked at the class, pointed to the 3 new foreign students and asked them to introduce themselves. It turned out that he was having trouble pronouncing "Ng", which is the family name of my husband's friend. 😆

Some Asian names are difficult to pronounce especially for those from a different culture. My husband's French friends called him by an English name he never uses here because it was easier for them to remember and pronounce. These things happen.
As someone who's living in a foreign country, I'm completely used to it.
My name is Franziska and people usually think it's more like "Francesca".
The mother of my fiancé still never managed to pronounce it correctly and I don't mind to be honest.
They don't do it on purpose and really think it's "Francesca", so whatever!
In Germany my name is rather common, so there was never anybody who mispronounced it.
People mispronounce my first name all the time. At this point it doesn’t really bother me! The only irritating part is if they do it on purpose. My friends usually call me by my nickname, it’s just more simple that way.
It's pretty hard to mispronounce Lori, so no. I will say, however, that it gets misspelled way more often than you'd imagine. I've had Laurie, Laury, Lorrie, Lory. My spelling is the easiest, in my opinion!
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My name is fairly uncommon and is misspelled more often than it's mispronounced, but both happen and it doesn't bother me.

It only starts to pick at me when I've corrected the individual (some cases more than once) and they continue to spell and say it incorrectly.
nobody mispronounces my first name but a lot of people mispronounce my last name which i don’t really understand because it’s not like it’s super long and it isn’t spelled weird
I've a common name that is pronounced differently in different languages. There are many people who speak German as a first language in my friend circle, some of those with the same name as me, so when it is mispronounced it's typically because they're used to saying it the German way and that doesn't bother me. Most of the time people just shorten my name to Chris - no one can get that wrong!
Yes, my real/legal name is pretty straightforward to pronounce in my native language yet people seem like it's French or stuff.
My first name isn't mispronounced much or at all but sometimes people say my last name wrong and it bothers me because it's extremely easy to pronounce and people feel the need to overcomplicate it and say it wrong...I don't even understand where people get some of the things they say lol.
My name is actually really simple and short both first and last name. But for whatever reason my last name gets mispronounced all the time. It’s an everyday 5 letter English word too so I don’t understand it at all.
To be honest, one of my names could be pronounced two ways, both can be a bit annoying, but I like one way better since since my birth name is a name of a fictional character (no joke, my parents are nerds) even though I'm not a die hard fan of the series, I like it better:

Though I'm sometimes referred to as the character.. since they have a title before their name. Im called that lol, which is amusing sometimes. (Not at work) But if its pronounced the other way, people sometime think I'm religious, or my family is, and it's a bit annoying, even though it was funny at first.

But I'm not religious (Not anti religion) and it got a bit annoying after a while. It's not a big deal, but still a bit annoying when I gotta explain sometimes.

Soo both ways can cause issues in other words
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