"The Annual Tournament. This might be fun." Pieri said.
"You said it!" She said with a smile.
"The Annual Tournament. This might be fun." Pieri said.
"You said it!" She said with a smile.
Pieri entered in, Giving the man 40$ to enter.
(It's official, Sparro's ending it. It's only been a week man)
Luna whispered into Kaida's ear. "I'm here to protect you."
"Oh, protect me from what?" She whispered.
"Pieri wait! I gotta do something first!" Kaida called.
She turned around and put Luna on the ground.
"I'm protecting you from killing yourself. How could you want to do such a thing when so many people love you?" Luna asked.
"I never really knew people loved me besides Aki..." Kaida told Luna. She started to hold back tears.
Luna put her paw on Kaida, "Look just don't do it and if you do, I'm going to stop you. Now go have fun with Pieri." Luna whispered.
Kaida nodded and put Luna back on her shoulder. "Okay, I'm ready Pieri"
She catched it and eyed it. "So this is what we are going to use?" She asked.
"Yep, Now get ready! They apparently have no armor so just feel the pain."
The announcer talked: Welcome! Welcome to Annual Tournament! First off, We have Pieri vs Sir. (iek)
"Alright." She waited for her turn.
Kaida heard Pieri's screams. "Oh Luna why did we ever sign up for this?!" She asked her black cat.