(I'm imagining the arena where the guest are waiting (Like Kaida) have bars over the opening so they can't interfear.)
She ran up to the bars and started banging them "Pieri!" She screamed.
(I'm assuming you said flew to the bar.)
Kaida looked at him.
(Iek did. Not Pieri.)
(I know.)
(Sorry for the long time posts too, I have too use my sister's tabet and the typing sucks.)
Pieri tried to stand up but fell. She was bruised, cut and more. "K-Kaida...?"
(It's fine I don't mind.)
"Pieri!" She cried.
"I-I'm fine..." Pieri hugged Kaida, "Beat his ass for me."
"I will." She was confident and walked out into the arena. (She has a sword and shield right?)
(A sword only, A real sword.)
She looked at the man straight into the eye. "Give me your worst." She said.
(I'm not reading through this what the **** is going on)
(Hi guys! Sorry about the delay, there was traffic on the way back. Where is everyone?)
(Hi guys! Sorry about the delay, there was traffic on the way back. Where is everyone?)
(Who is Luna?)
(Who is Luna?)