Ah I see, I hope in the future there will be some new forum feature, so we can arrange the collectible order, would make things a bit easier maybe![]()
i kinda like the date order thing
it makes it even more impressive to have a good lineup ^-^
Ah I see, I hope in the future there will be some new forum feature, so we can arrange the collectible order, would make things a bit easier maybe![]()
i kinda like the date order thing
it makes it even more impressive to have a good lineup ^-^
Did you know:
Other than the September birthstone, every birthstone I collected were collected on the first day they appear in the shop.
I'd guess before or at the same time, not later.. but idk
Yeah, no hard feeling it was just an assumption. And yeah they probably forgot to remove it, I don't know if you can still buy it.
I checked the shop and it says "Stock 0 / 0"
So no, I don't think you can get anymore, besides I haven't seen the number sold go up since August 2nd, so they've definitely run out of stock. But Apple is probably right, they might be given away at the end of the fire festival which would ruin a lot of possible lineups. There's only about a 1 in 25 chance of winning it though, so at least you can be thankful for that! (And also thankful for the fact you can just give it away or discard it if it does screw up your line-up)
Or i can sell it if that's allowed. But then again, selling what you won from for free or low price is kinda rude, and it makes things more complicated that it's a staff given reward. Although there are some people who don't care if you sell what they gave you for free when you win it, but there are others that do care. So I may not sell it or trade it with something else if I win one, but I don't want it ruining my lineup. My best bet is to wait until the raffle. And if the fire motes start disappearing before the raffle, then basically, my lineup would be screwed.
They really need to implement a collectible sorting option, but maybe make it cost a lot of TBT so not just everyone could do it, that way lineups would still sorta hold value in that sense. It would solve so many issues on here, like this.
Before you mentioned that I wasn't really thinking about how the lineup might be an issue, but now I'm wondering which I'm gonna give up: the hammer, or the flames?
Well, you have more options with the hammer, but only one options with the flames.
Hammer: you can sell it, give away for free, host in a contest, or break it by hitting a rock too hard (AKA discard it). As for the flames, the only thing you can do is to put them out with water (AKA discard them).
True! No matter what happens, more than one collectible is probably gonna be hidden in my inventory at the end of it all. I had plans for my lineup and the Fire Festival has totally ruined them with all these giveaways and things available.
But at least I have options now![]()
do you think it would be feasible to trade my ice cream for a cherry? or is there little point in trying? i know the suggested guide places them at around the same price but cherries seem a lot rarer hm
I may not be an expert at the guide, but I don't think so anymore. The Beach Party items aren't annual or all-year, so you would expect an inflation. I remembered when party poppers were less than 2,000 TBT. Now you can't even get one for 3,500 TBT since they didn't sell party poppers last New Years. Cherries run from 250 to 300 TBT. I would reccomend the swirl to be 500 TBT or higher since a lot of people who have them have left this site or won't sell them.