that doesn't mean collectibles will sell for 20K and the collectibles will be like they used to though. As everyone is saying, they wouldn't buy a "boring" white feather when they could get a line up of 6 eggs. They will be deterred from going for rare ones in favor of cheaper ones since there is so many more options. I think it will be the aesthetically pleasing ones that people go for, like sweet feather-esque collectibles and pink ones because those seem to be most popular, look at the typical people who are on the forums.
People liked white feathers in the past because there wasn't too many types of feathers anyway and their were such few of them. Why go for a "overpriced" feather like that when they can create a line up of something else. and now they have the roster of collectibles to do so. I think collectible sales will increase when more people come yes, but its gonna be selling of moderately priced collectibles that will be more common.