Expand your Music tastes

One of the most melodic jazz fusion songs ever!!:

One of my favourite bands. Plus of my my favourite live bands.

Another excellent live band, saw them last summer. Definitely worth a listen, especially their older albums. Also, that is a very odd video.

Not sure what to say about this apart from it being an excellent song.
hnngg I'd like to share some of my fave artist but I don't think they'd be considered underground
I mean they're well known, not like popular sense where you hear them all over the radio ect and everyone and their
grandma has heard of them....

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hnngg I'd like to share some of my fave artist but I don't think they'd be considered underground
I mean they're well known, not like popular sense where you hear them all over the radio ect. ;m;​

I don't think that's a problem (plus I'm intrigued now). I mean, I've posted some bands that are pretty well known within their genre.
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welp in that case I guess I can give it a shot

Imogen Heap
Of montreal
Blair Crimmins and The Hookers
Kevin Macleod
Terry Devine-King
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I can vouch for Twenty One Pilots! They are hands down the best band I have ever seen preform live! Josh and Tyler both are so energetic and fun to watch, I actually got into their music from seeing them preform rather than from listening to their music. They like to get into the crowd and it's just great they're great ok sorry I really love Jeni too:

Genre: JPop
Song List:
  • Owari e Mukau Hajimari no Uta (終わりへ向かう始まりの歌)
  • Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (君の知らない物語)
  • Hero (ヒーロー)
  • Perfect Day
  • Fukushuu (復讐)
  • Rock'n'Roll Nandesu no (ロックンロールなんですの)
  • Feel so good
  • Hoshi ga Matataku Konna Yoru ni (星が瞬くこんな夜に)
  • Utakata Hanabi (うたかた花火)
  • Yoru ga Akeru yo (夜が明けるよ)
  • Sayonara Memories (さよならメモリーズ)
  • Watashi e (私へ)

I'm just a super huge fan of vocaloid; Ryo, one of my favorite producers/composers works for Supercell. This album is mostly Nagi, one of their singers, I believe. She has such a beautiful voice.