explain your current avatar

I made this drawing
it's Moss(my OC) with his mutual romantic interest my new OC Shell at the sunset beach
(This is currently my favorite drawing I've ever done, really proud of this, my first attempt at drawing side profile of someone, practicing textures and doing the blending for the sunset was really difficult)
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Yoshida from Chainsaw Man. He’s just a cool guy and he looks pretty cute.
I always think of him as like… chill, and since I don’t associate him with really emotional stuff, he’s paradoxically become a character I’m attached to for that very reason. When I want a character who’s just cool and looks cute I pick him. Like a break from drama or things that spur me on. Himeno (signature) is someone I’m very emotionally attached to…

After kinda breaking away from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure when DiU ended, I got back into it fairly recently after they announced Part 6 and finally ended up catching myself up on parts 7 and 8. Really enjoyed part 7 and Johnny became one of my favorite characters sooo it's pretty self explanatory, lol.

I can't really give context for the avatar itself due to spoilers unfortunately.
Hopefully quoting you isn’t annoying but part 7 is amazing imo. I think Johnny is the best Jojo and pretty relatable in some ways, I think there’s so much layered stuff with themes in that part and so on. Plus it’s just so cool. Funny enough part 4 would be my second fav. Kinda feel like I grew out of the other parts.
Venti is ready to hit the beach this summer!! 😎

i love silver foxes ☺️

also highkey felt bad that my aesthetic was so adorable and I've been feeling depressed, I was doing my boy Mr Mario injustice by posting sad stuff lol. not that silver foxes aren't adorable too but their darkness embodies a certain melancholy that I vibe with atm.
I decided to go ahead and change it up for the Enchanted Forest TBT Fair coming up! I really wanted something that pops color-wise and found the perfect fit. The avatar/pfp is meant to be more on the enchanted side of things while the signature/banner is meant to be more on the forest side of things! :giggle: 💚

Mine is a picture of my skin in minecraft (one of my favourite games ever), just a pistachio-head man wearing tuxedo. Because I'm crazy for pistachios.