The previous fantastical forest has given way to darkness and most of all, MUSHROOMS! And there inside all the darkness and shrooms you shall find one self-proclaimed "Anemo Archon."
It's Dragon Quest Rivals artwork of Serena from DQXI, with a little bit of editing/effects! I wanted to get an enchanted forest aesthetic ready in time for the Fair and thought this fit the theme perfectly, plus Serena is best girl
It's Buizel sleeping by a campfire, made by cutting a frame of Buizel sleeping from the official Manaphy movie and placing it on a screenshot I took from Breath of the Wild on Switch. I had to set him below and to the side of the campfire though because of the lighting in the scene in the movie. I made this avatar for the Bell Tree Fair so it will probably just end up being a temporary avatar.
The difference in styles is much more noticeable in this one versus the compressed avatar, but to be honest I kind of like that contrast.
The shadow under Buizel is a nice touch. I don’t personally notice much of a difference in style. It might just be because you made the avatar, that you would notice even the slightest difference. I like the avatar, nonetheless.
If only we could keep backdrops and use them whenever we please, I'd stay like this forever...but for now I'll just remain lost in the woods so that I can continue to admire the Great Fairy, whose beauty is simply unparalleled.