Explain your lineup thread

This is the bright lineup I plan to have every summer, but with all the standard one-color bunny balloons (I eventually plan on date trading them in order once I collect them all). The sweet bunny balloon will go with my spring (and frankly, most of the year) lineup.

I said I was going to get new Purple Balloons for my lineup, but ultimately decided against it in favor of getting more green collectibles, since it matches Izuku Midoriya and green is my favorite color. This lineup isn't final, but I like how my profile consists of both light and dark greens now! 🥳


It's a slight tweaking from my previous lineup, but I love it so much! I didn't realize that the Yellow Hyacinths I already had would be perfect to go under the green balloons and feathers seeing as the backgrounds match. I also brought back one of my favorite signatures. There isn't a thing I would change about this aesthetic (except for maybe TBT sunflower collectible when???)! :blush: 💚 💛

Changed up my lineup a bit to make it look like the balloons are being held 🙂; the purple balloon was not from this event. l @Mimi Cheems gave me it awhile back ☺️. The other balloons don’t go together but I’m leaving them up for the rest of the fair since I’m really happy I got them 🙂. Will try to make a different lineup with them maybe after the fair
Lineup Balloons.PNG

Having these balloons in my lineup was pure luck. There's just something about the colors of the rad and sweet balloons sandwiched between the elusive rainbow balloon that is oddly pleasing. It's like a rad balloon + a sweet balloon = the rainbow balloon!

Oh, and there's the usual space whale lineup I usually leave as-is. Matching star fragments on the ends are surprisingly hard to find...