Explain your lineup thread

the most legendary eggies 🤩💞
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the sweet feather is absolutely gorgeous (hence why I also have one!) and it looks perfect in your lineup ❤️
sweet feather club! {{hugs]] did you get yours from glow it seems. I remember she has a whole line up of sweet feathers and i was like whooa

it ain't much, but it's honest work
While there is another Easter lineup I've used in previous years, (and that I've made some adjustments to but haven't yet unveiled, maybe next year) I decided I wanted to do something different this year.

Half Halloweaster, half Easter. Spooky and cute.


There's a lot I like about this lineup. The dark background of the Halloweaster egg row being complemented by the light yellow background of the Easter eggs is very satisfying. I enjoy the purple eggs on each end of the Halloweaster row being complemented by the white eggs on each end of the Easter row below it. I like the blue egg in the middle of each row. I also really love the vibrant colors of the Candy Egg and the Easter Egg with the Classic Easter Egg between them.

I have a soft spot for the more down to Earth, simplistic sort of Easter egg collectibles that look like things you can make yourself at home, so I'm glad that this lineup gave me the opportunity to pull the Easter Egg and Classic Easter Egg out from the depths of my inventory to get some time to shine. They'd previously been overshadowed and excluded in my previous Easter lineup.

I also have an alternative option for the bottom row:
was trying to get both the stardust and crescent moon eggs into a line up but started throwing things together and only had room for one so here we are, will just have to swap between the eggos. not really a particular theme just a lil bit of colour and fave collectibles.

Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 15.30.51.png
I honestly didn’t realise how perfectly the crescent moon egg would go with my sweet feather until my friend told me (I need help with most things 😂💜) Absolutely love how perfectly all colours line up 🥰 and angel feather/aurora remind me of a special friend and loved ones lost 🥲❤️
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Hang on, something seems different... Li'l Ears, what did you DO?? The Dreamy Egg has gone CRRRRACK!! SPLAT!! all over the ground! 😬 But luckily for him, it was the night of the Star Festival! He caught as many falling Star Bits as he could, and even though he really wanted to save them as a snack for later, he instead made a wish. The Star Bits let out a dazzling burst of light, and suddenly they fused together to transform into a Stardust Egg! ⭐💫✨ Wow!! Li'l Ears couldn't believe how shiny it was! The more he looked at it, the more inspired he was to take up his paintbrush and turn the world into his canvas. Its design reminded him a lot of Super Mario Galaxy, one of the best games he's ever played, so he decided to add it to his prized eggie collection. Maybe now he's learned his lesson and will be more careful... Or maybe not! There he goes juggling them again, dancing to the music of the Star Festival ⭐
this will most likely change soon since i'm gonna change my pfp cause the egg hunt is over c: just something matchy matchy 💙💛💗

edit: changed things around faster than i thought i would tbh...lol
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