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Cycling 🌟Faerghus Cycling 🌟 | [CLOSED]

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I'm still cycling today, not much else to do. Thank you for the lurks and the bumps! I've updated the list!


Peanut is ready to play her performances on another island! She is free to a good home! I will hold her for 2 hours!
Lurker Tags:
@Candybalism @Incarnate

I have updated the lurker list! Thank you guys for lurking!
Hi, She is my ultimate dreamy! Can I please be added to the list if they are not able to take her as I would love LOVE to have her <3
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Sorry to bother you, but I don't think my username's been added to the lurking list! I'm also no longer lurking for Kabuki, but I'm still looking for Coco. Please rest well, and thank you so much for your kindness to the community! :)

I'm gonna be changing a few things to help lower my stress.
Dom moved in, and I have a few more lists of Dreamies to hunt for (my friends, one who is building their list currently and my child's, which she has given me and some will take some luck, plus the villagers I wanna have on this town when I am done...), which might make seeking dreamies for everyone harder. Also, I've so many to look for it's slowing the process considerably so I have been considering not looking for tier 5-6 characters, but I know some people love them. I've been very stressed the past few days and I'm considering also just continuing to cycle without a post, or only accept lurkers for tiers 2-4 only, just to lighten my load. I plan to give away in a separate post for like, all tier ones if I am honest. I just hate disappointing people, but I have to consider myself as well. For now, however, I am building a google document with all the villagers by tier with who is lurking for them, and see if that helps with my stress levels. Worst case, I'll stop cycling. Best case, the google doc helps. More than likely, I will focus on tier 1-4 villagers, and only take up tier 5-6 if they have multiple lurkers, and pray those of you lurking for lower-tier villagers understand.

Sorry to bother you, but I don't think my username's been added to the lurking list! I'm also no longer lurking for Kabuki, but I'm still looking for Coco. Please rest well, and thank you so much for your kindness to the community! :)
I'm trying to move things over to a google doc, so I'll add you there. Sorry I missed you.

Welcome to Faerghus Cycling. I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and the Blue Lions of said game, so I brought that love over to ACNH, and have set up a cycling town looking for the few Dreamies I & my SO have left. Once we have them I might turn this town into a second town for myself, or continue to cycle. I will follow the Villager Tier list found here as a guide.


None Currently


I do not use Amiibo in this town
I do not touch the campsite after the first forced move in

I do Time Travel, however, I have never had any issues with any of my adopted villagers.
If I am ever glitched, I will stop the cycle and delete my town and restart. I do not want to risk anyone else's game.
If you ever get a glitched villager from me (with proof), please let me know.

I seek Nook Miles Tickets for the express purpose of going to mystery islands looking for villagers. I do not use any NMT for trade or personal gain.


Please keep me up-to-date who you are lurking for in a new post
You may only lurk for max three at a time
The list of Dreamies are not open for lurkers at this time
Some chatter is welcome. If you have a question, message me.
I will tag you if the villager you are lurking for is in boxes.
If you don't have space, I will hold a villager for 4 hours unless we discuss further.
Lurking is not a reserve. It's a guaranteed tag when they are in boxes.

I will only bring into my town tier 1-3 unless there are lurkers.
When a Villager is in boxes, it is first come, first server.
All Tier One Villagers will be listed on a different post. They will always have a fair buyout.

All Tier Two Villagers will be held for 3 hours.
All Tier Three Villagers will be held for 2 hour.
All Tier Four Villagers will be held for 1 hour.

All Tier Five and Six Villagers will be voided unless there are lurkers. I will hold them for 30 minutes.

All Villagers tiers 2-6 are free.
If you ever wish to get rid of a Villager I have given you, it must be for free.
When in my town, please follow me. I will lead you to the house.
Please leave your payment first if you are adopting a tier one.
Please take a tree's worth of any of the fruit if you need it.
Feedback & tips not required but deeply appreciated.


All Tiers will be coloured, as well as Dreamies I am seeking for myself and my SO. This Key is to make clear what colour means what tier.
(Not for Adoption)


Listed by Order of Move-In!
Tangy *
Zucker *
Merengue *
Marshal *
Diana *
Flurry *
* = Has Lurkers

Not leaving the Cycle Town


There is no 16 cycle in this game, and the islands are complete RGN. If you see someone adopted or voided, they could make a return asap or never. Please don't not lurk due to this list.
Listed in order of first adoption/void to last.




The following Villagers will be gold colour and not be offered for adoption, but once they are adopted they will be removed from the list and be available for lurking. I just don't wanna disappoint people. Sorry!

Not leaving my cycle town


Listed by Tier, then villager listed alphabetically, with the lurker's names after that. Bold means currently on my island. Updated every few hours.
Anchovy: Pit
Apollo: SpeshulDelivery
Bangle: sunshinesnekdeceit
Bianca: HollyYoshi
Billy: encrown
Blaire: healingwind
Boots: holhorse
Bruce: DoeReMi
Charlise: Beehaw
Cherry: karleraven
Chester: Elov, pokeruto1992
Coach: Pit
Colton: holhorse
Cube: 《Claire》, crepuscularrr
Cyrano: Beehaw
Dotty: skylucario
Dobie: poppysea, Incarnate, DewDrops
Frank: Apollo5
Freya: PrinceBel
Filbert: Tanyana
Flurry: tieza
Fuchsia: DewDrops
Gayle: Annettes
Hazel: encrown
Hopkins: stormyxcloud
Kabuki: skylucario
Ken: Beehaw
Ketchup: brycwh
Kid Cat: Dork, sicklewillow
Kyle: Jassiii
Lily: Bunnybea
Lobo: HorseSalt
Lopez: cherrygirl
Monique: sunshinesnekdeceit
Mott: Excaloser
Murphy: dino
Peanut: Candybalism, Incarnate
Papi: Jassiii
Peck: DewDrops
Phil: tasylaurel
Pierce: j1119
Poppy: chibihime143, mother
Pudge: Excaloser
Raddle: teanopi
Roald: leahhhhaaaaa
Rudy: ailani
Savana: nearthy
Shari: Yuzu
Sprinkle: Elov, sunshinesnekdeceit
Static: Incarnate, Manoon
Stella: ra_mry
Sylvana: CinnamonKiss
Tank: Draco
Tasha: MalikaLuna
Teddy: Maddie.Summers
Tiffany: CinnamonKiss
Ursala: stormyxcloud
Vesta: PrinceBel, stormyxcloud
Vivian: Dewy
Vladimir: Gabi<3AnimalCrossing
Wade: 《Claire》
Walt: iGotNoiPad
Wolfgang: iGotNoiPad, Jassiii, Ruruji
Zell: Dewy
Zucker: Ilovetann, Elov, Alaskanwolf


Fequently Asked Questions will be listed here.
ACNH Questions
How can I quickly clear room for a dreamie?
Here is what I do to make a space for a villager on my main island:
1. Talk to everyone you see outside, if you wanna go so far as to talk to people inside you can, but it really doesn't matter.
2. Save, quit, close down the game, move the date up 15 days. Make sure the time is between 11am-4pm
3. Once in the game, run around and see if you can find the villager with thought bubbles. They will be outside. If you cannot find them, or there is a fishing tournament (or sometimes rain, but I have gotten a ping with rain) TT ahead one more day. I've had to do this up to 5 days, but you will get a ping.
4. If it's someone you wanna keep, tell them don't go and repeat steps 1-3. You can move forward 6 days between and talk again. It will work either way (I've had more success with the 6 day jump between)
5. If you want them to move, say bye, TT one day and they will be all boxed up, ready for a new adventure.

Three Houses Questions lol
Do you suggest Fire Emblem: Three Houses? What should I expect?
Yes. Yes I do. Lots of pain and misery. And sexy boys and girls. Typical FE fair. IMO, best game in the franchise. It is the Pokemon Gold of Fire Emblem.

Who do you ship?
Sylvix (Sylvain and Felix) is my OTP for BL, ClaudexHilda is my GD ship and Ferdibert (Ferdinand and Hubert) is my ish from BE. But I like all the ships, they are all wonderful :3 These are just my faves.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to helping you all find dreamies!
Lurking for pietro

I am open again for business. However, there have been some changes. I will list them below with reasons

-First, I will no longer pick up a tier 4-6 villager unless there are more that one lurker.
My reasoning for this is that multiple times now, there was a single lurker, and when they were in boxes it was missed, ignored, or the villager had been previously adopted with no update given to me. Thus, the villager was put into the void and the slot that could have gone to someone else's dreamy was filled by one no one else wanted. And it wasted my time and increased my stress level.

-Second, I will now be accepting up to FIVE villagers per lurker now.
My reasoning for this is so that if someone does want villagers spread all over the tier numbers, they can still lurk for their lower-level villager and their higher level villager. And it shows me that a tier 4-6 is actually wanted by more than one lurker.

-Third, I will now be cycling for this Island as well.
I have a few cards for the villagers I desire, however, I don't have many of them. These villagers I do not have cards for are permanently unavailable from this point forward. Added to this I will be cycling for friends, including one I promised to cycle for before I made this thread. Once they make their list, they will be added and be closed off to lurking until they are found. This means a few of you will lose who you are lurking for, and I'm sorry. But I don't want to do this forever, I hope you understand.

-Fourth, I have added to the rules.
Many are common-sense rules for a forum. Some are for my own sanity.
I have also reserved the right to deny lurking or adoption to anyone. I will only do so in the event my rules are broken. By posting in this thread, it is an agreement to follow my rules.

-Finally, I have moved the Lurker List to a Google Sheet.
This will make updating the list easier, keeping track of who is desired and who I can skip over, and help me plan my NMT use better. If you find you are not on the list, please post to me here, in a new post. Starting today I will like any lurker post that has been added to the list. You may also add to your list so that it equals five.

-Additionally, I will lock the thread when I am asleep from now on.
Waking to lurkers is a touch stressful.

Now that that is out of the way...


Fang has found a temporary home in Faerghus!
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