Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

opening gate. I must run to the bathroom, if you arrive and I don't speak just head to mint, will be right with you...Thank
Mint the Squirrel is now available, if you would like Mint... please post... Make sure you have an open slot, I am giving Mint approx. Ten minutes give or take...Thank you

All wolves have been through already...Static has been through as well as Kid Katt...:)

Ahhh, all wolves including Skye? Been watching for quite a while now and I hadn't noticed her name come up! T_T
Any deers/wolves is fine also ^^' I like all of them... ahha ;__;
i hope they come round again?
No only wolf I have not seen is Skye, but she is on a friends waiting list, so would have to be a second time around for Skye...

I think I have had all the deers but most some time ago, over a week, so.... could come around again.

Quillson the Duck is now available, I will give Quillson five minutes... If you would like Quillson, please post, and be sure to have an open slot...Thank you

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I have only seen one twice so far and that one is Nan, so it is possible I start seeing seconds...:)

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Going to give a last call for Quillson, I just don't feel he is going to be taken...:)
Annalise the horse is now available, I will hold Annalise for about five minute give or take, If you would like her please post, be sure to have an open slot...

Rosie was just adopted on this site either yesterday or day before...:)

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Miss Renee I really am trying, Bubbles is doing just what I feared, being stubborn....:(

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I am giving a last Call for Annalise... if you want her speak now or forever hold your
My biggest fear is your going to go to bed, and then she will move... dreading it....

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Cinnamon78 add me, I will add you and open my gates...
yes its the horse...:)
I plan to stay up all night until you go to sleep.
Bubbles belongs to me, she just doesn't know it yet.
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Awww... I will be sure to let you know when I quit, if your not up, I will go to bed with her in boxes....Yes she does belong to you...and I rarely say that....:)

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Cinnamon78 I am opening my gates.
So Marshal has already appeared? It's possible for Marshal to appear again if you cycle 16 villagers right? :eek:
Moving on... Think Bubbles...:)

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I had a thread for well over a week on another forum, been cycling for two weeks tomorrow...