Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

dont log on the internet with your game and your spot should be free until ready, unknown how long thatd be though
Sorry for the delay, I am back to cycling of my dreamies was in my cycle town, so had to essentially visit myself to get back to you guys... If your curious my dreamie was (kiki).
I had her when I started Wild World, she's awesome :)
Peaches the Normal Horse is now available, if you have an open slot and would like Peaches... please post
I will be holding Peaches for about 15 minutes...:)

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Moving on...Peaches is now gone...cycling continues...
Portia the Snooty Dog is now available, if you would like Portia and have an open slot, Please post... I will hold Portia for about 15 minutes...

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Portia has been adopted, will be cycling on shortly...:)
A friend of mine wanted Chrissy, but they are not online or available, so they will have to catch her the second time around.


Chrissy the rabbit is now available, if you have an open slot and would like Chrissy, please post....
Chrissy will be held approx...15 minutes.
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A friend of mine wanted Chrissy, but they are not online or available, so they will have to catch her the second time around.


Chrissy the rabbit is now available, if you have an open slot and would like Chrissy, please post....
Chrissy will be held approx...15 minutes.
Can I have her?
IceSpear add me, I will add you, and I will open my gates...Thank you

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my computer is going bonkers... sorry for edit
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Please please please please please let me know if anyone from here comes in! I really want one of them <3 Thanks in advance. omg.jpg
Muffy the Uchi Sheep is now available, if you have an open slot and would like Muffy, please post...
I will give Muffy about 15 minutes...Thank you
have you cycled through fang yet ? He's one of my last dream villagers I want muffy too but i don't have space for her :c I'm saving it for fang ;_;
Muffy the female Uchi sheep is now available, if you would like Muffy and have an open slot... Please post.
I will give Muffy about fifteen minutes...

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Fang has been through a few days ago...
and again, I do not alert anyone, I do not stress reserve lists or anything like that. I simply put them in boxes, post them and first come first serve... I am sorry, this is not a business for me, if it was I would be charging bells...
Heya Porta!
any villagers from my sig cycle through recently o:
no worries I read your disclaimer before :) I just wanted to know since I'm searching for him myself and I refresh this thread. If no one wants muffy can I attempt in bringing her to my town before you tt her to the void. I had her in my town before and it's been a while since I did. i've cycled a lot of villagers after she left and I want her back.
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I'll be hawking this thread alot more since I have a slot in my town right now.

Would love to see if any of my Dreamies come up today!