Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

It's fine :D I tried to resolve something on the cycling thread today, i think i did a good job xD

Yeah saw that, you did awesome XD
It's ridiculous that that was even an issue though...
Amelia the Snooty Eagle is now available, I will be holding her about fifteen minutes. If you have a spare slot and would like Amelia, please post here...:)
Yeah saw that, you did awesome XD
It's ridiculous that that was even an issue though...

I know right! I'd love for you to visit my main town sometime xD That is if you'd like. You seem like an awesome person :p

I have some good villagers in my towns, so everyone should look out :3
I know right! I'd love for you to visit my main town sometime xD That is if you'd like. You seem like an awesome person :p

I have some good villagers in my towns, so everyone should look out :3
That'd be nice, I'd love to, and thanks, likewise ^^
Anyway, I should get cleaning, have a nice day ^^

And good luck, everyone in here.
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Flurry the Normal Hamster is available...if you have an open slot and would like Flurry, please post here.
Flurry will be held for approx. 15 minutes...;)

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I would give you everything if you let me have her!

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Noooooooo D': it's been 2 months am looking for her!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Please I have a room too OMG D': WHY DESTINY
Please Mothership let me have her I can give you a full 7-11 D':

I have Flurry in one of my spare towns, and my sister already has her, you may have her when she leaves :3

Please don't beg people for villagers that they rightfully claimed first. We're trying to give away fairly here, i understand you're upset, but please refrain from begging ^_^

All the best~
thank you much Frozen, that is awesome, I feel bad, but ...many people have the same dreamie, and I must in fairness give to the first to post. I am so happy Hivernale will end up with Flurry too...:)

My Flurry has been adopted...
Cycling on
Do you TT on your spare town OTL ? I only met 1 person who had her and didn't try to scam me
Most of people promised to give me Flurry and finally put her on auctions... ; n ; I'm sorry for that but I could have her for free and missed her because of few minutes
Do you TT on your spare town OTL ? I only met 1 person who had her and didn't try to scam me
Most of people promised to give me Flurry and finally put her on auctions... ; n ; I'm sorry for that but I could have her for free and missed her because of few minutes

I cycle through my spare towns, and giveaway~ I thought i mentioned. I don't sell on auctions, and don't agree with selling villagers.

I will P.M you when she is available, i have a trade to sort out, then have to get the campsite and sort all my other towns :)
Thanks but I have a room right now and I'm afraid she won't move soon Q n Q why destiny