Favorite Planet In Our Solar System?


  • Earth

  • Mars

  • Uranus

  • Jupiter

  • Venus

  • Mercury

  • Saturn

  • Neptune

  • Pluto

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When I was younger I liked Venus, probably because it's named after a goddess of love and beauty, but I remember also learning fun things about it... Despite being so close in proximity and size to Earth, it seems very uninhabitable! It spins retrograde (sun rises in the west and sets in the east), and a day on Venus lasts 243 earth days! Which is longer than a year on Venus (which is only 225 earth days). Also it's atmosphere is full of acid rain (the yellow color comes from the sulfur in the clouds), and there are volcanos on the surface.
But, also, because Sailor Venus is awesome
Gotta go with Mars. I really just want to be alive when someone walks on Mars. So hopefully within the next 60 or less years!
I like Neptune the most!! iirc it has a nice shade of blue and I gravitate more towards cool colours
After thinking about it for a bit, here are my basic opinions on my top three favorite planets:

Venus is really intriguing to me because of the floating city concept.. I also like that it is visible to the naked eye. Oh and how it looks like a spherical cloud in telescope images

Jupiter just looks cool as heck and its got crazy storms.. And the sheer size of it??? Wow

Earth is awesome because it has cats and other stuff
Uranus has always been my favourite, I’m not sure exactly why. Blue used to be my favourite colour when I was young so I was probably drawn to the light blue-ness of it
As far as what is on the planet, it would be Earth. There is just so many different biomes on Earth. Every other planet is just a barren wasteland. Also it's where we all live and is very habitable. Yes you can say it has horrible people on it. So let's just drop them on Jupiter.

Maybe Mars would be a second because it's the closest we had to a second planet with Earth-like properties in the beginning but lost all if way before humanity.

Jupiter is kind of cool since it's just a giant gas ball. I used to really like learning about space when I was really young and so I've retained a lot of the information I read about.
That's 50 votes. What have we learned:

Neptune and Earth are almost tied for most popular with Neptune slightly ahead.

Uranus, Venus, and Jupiter are all tied as the middle in popularity.

Nobody likes Mercury.
Saturn because I love to buy celestial pattern things and I just think the rings add a nice touch.