Trading [gone]


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (76) +

She's picked a moving date and I really want to trade her for either Genji or Francine.
She's my 10th villager so you'll need room in your town if we're going to do a trade.

I may consider selling her for bells / furniture sets if I'm unable to find someone to trade with. :>

Furniture sets I'll consider trading her for:
Gracie Set
Harvest Set
Mushroom Set
Princess Set
Spooky Set
Sweets Set
FYI that Genji and Francine take priority.

*** EDIT

Someone is offering to TT their Francine out but I will update this if the trade falls through.
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Oh, wow. Which day did she want to move on? Francine's moving from my town on the 22nd! This could work out swimmingly. (I don't time travel, though, sorry.)
Oh, wow. Which day did she want to move on? Francine's moving from my town on the 22nd! This could work out swimmingly. (I don't time travel, though, sorry.)

Tangy's in my recycling town so she's moving on the 14th (it's the 10th in-game). Genji and Francine are the last dreamies I need before I stop cycling since I want to take a break from it. I would prefer to take Francine today but seeing as you don't TT, if I haven't traded Tangy out by tomorrow, we can do a possible trade.
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Ah, gotcha. Well, see if you can get a good offer for her here, and if you get someone quicker than me, go ahead and nab it, yeah? :3

Come to think of it, I'm full up with 10 right now m'self, so I'm not actually sure how the trading would happen. [shakes fist at the kangaroo who randomly showed up from somebody's Streetpass last week]
Ah, gotcha. Well, see if you can get a good offer for her here, and if you get someone quicker than me, go ahead and nab it, yeah? :3

Come to think of it, I'm full up with 10 right now m'self, so I'm not actually sure how the trading would happen. [shakes fist at the kangaroo who randomly showed up from somebody's Streetpass last week]

Ohh. It would be impossible for either of us to trade, then. :c
Nnnnn. Shoot. Sorry to get our hopes up, then... I'll keep that in mind when mentioning villagers in the future.

Good luck finding a new home for Tangy, though!
i would trade you my Francine for your Tangy,but i haven't finished the cycle to get her back yet,good luck~
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