Have you completed your Museum?

I haven't completed it yet, but I found a lot of fossils. It seems to be a little faster than in the previous games. For some reason I haven't caught that many bugs as of now.
I have not completed my museum yet. I'm left with two bugs, one fish, few sea creatures, and several artworks and statues. I only completed the fossil exhibit.
Not finished yet, but it's getting close! I've been playing pretty much since the game came out, give or take.
Took me until a few weeks ago to finish both bugs and fish, fossils I finished I think back in may/june? I finished those pretty fast.
I still have 2 sea creatures left to catch, and... 14 pieces of art I think??

Last new fish I caught was a stringfish, but the last one I donated was a bitterling. Funny story, it was one of the first I ever caught, but I didn't donate it at the time for some reason, and it took me until two weeks ago to finally catch another one! My last bug both caught and donated was a cicada shell, I had to time travel back to find one because I only ever saw 1 when they were in season, and I accidentally knocked it off the tree. T^T But it's mine now! As if the golden net~
No, I haven't been focused on diving or catching bugs/fish in months. I'm saving the collecting for when my island is more finished so I'll still have things to do in the game
I've completed the fossils, bugs and fish. I have two sea creatures left to catch and loaaads of art still to collect. The art is gonna take me a long time as I prefer to wait for Redd to show up instead of trading art with other players. I enjoy having something to work towards.
I completed the fossils, but not done with anything else. I'll be happy when I'm totally finished, but also really sad.
no where near it. art's gonna be the most tedious to finish but I kinda wanna obtain all the items from my own island when Redd visits.
no where near it. art's gonna be the most tedious to finish but I kinda wanna obtain all the items from my own island when Redd visits.

I thought the same way, but I had to change my mind when I saw this.

Based on simulated outcome, it will take on average over 4 years to collect the art yourself (Without TT)

3 art pieces, the firefly squid and spider crab remain.

The spider crab is my moby dick.

In New Leaf thats all I needed to complete it, then I fell off the game in January and forgot about it. I picked the game back up that summer and fell out of it the same time, forgetting once again.

I didn't time travel cause I was having a balancing act trying to keep certain villagers and already had lost 3 by tt.
I’ve only completed the fossil collection and I need just one fish to complete the fish collection. I should go fishing to try to catch it but I’m too lazy to do it.
I wanted this to be the first game where I did, but the art is going to prevent me, unfortunately. I am two diving creatures away from completing the other parts of my museum though.
Completing the museum isn’t really a priority for me- im too lazy to go catch bugs and fish. and i definitely don’t want to go buy from redd 😓