Have you completed your Museum?

I'm a Flatworm away from completing all three initial sections. The art section will take way longer than those three combined lol
I managed to complete all the fish and bugs after almost a year (considering I don't time travel, I think it's a pretty good achievement), I still have a couple of sea critters left tho, and of course the art is a struggle- feels like every time Redd comes to my island there's nothing I don't have that also isn't fake sadly
I have 1335 hours logged in this game yet I still have never seen a single flea. It's the only thing I'm still missing from my museum.

Have you finished your museum?
Have you caught a flea?
What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found?
(Mine was Barrel Eye/Spider crab/Mysterious painting)

- Have you finished your museum? No
- Have you caught a flea? Yes ( tons )
- What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found? Bug ( stick bug ) , Fish ( Stringfish ) and Sea creature ( I think it was the Lobster been a while since when under the sea ), Painting ( Birth of Venus by Botticelli sorry dont know the in-game name 😅 )

--> I just need 3 more bugs and 3 more sea creatures, to finish the fish and bug area which ill be able in the summer since the ones i am missing are from then and in regards of the art gallery i still have a while for it to be finished hahah
I have completed the fossil section. Working on fish and bugs yes I caught flea last week ,found it around the tire .
Caught String fish, tuna and blue marlin so far . No luck yet with barrel fish.
Nope! I hope to buckle down and finish the rest of the bugs, fish, and sea creatures. I feel like the only way to finish the art will be with friends.
I have only finished the fossil section
I have caught many fleas. Diva was my starter uchi and for some reason she had fleas all the time
I can’t remember the last fish or sea creature I caught but I recently got the real Quaint Painting
I've been playing since launch and my museum is about 80-85% complete. I mostly got what I could over the course of last year but never went out of my way to get everything. This year I'll be focusing on filling in the gaps.

My newest donation was two paintings. Redd actually had 3 authentic ones when he showed up on monday but I already had one of them so I sent that one to a friend.
I'm missing two sea critters that are not available yet. I should have them by February or March maybe.
I've completed my fossils, but nothing else. I think my next closest section to being finished is the bug section, then fish, then sea creatures, then art. 🙂
Completed the fossil and fish sections.
Would have had bugs completed too, but the golden and giant stags eluded me one too many times during the summer.
i've completed all 4 rooms ♡
i've been playing ac since wild world and i've never completed a museum until now ^-^
So far, I've only fully completed the fossil exhibit. The fish and bug exhibit is getting close to being done. As for the art exhibit well, I've got a long road ahead of me.
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I only finished the fossil, bug and fish (only need two more deep-sea, they don't appear until March).
Almost! I finished the fossil section ages ago. Last month I finished the bug section. I got all the fish but still need 2 deep sea creatures, firefly squid and spider crab. The art section was a huge pain because Redd usually only sells fakes or if he has a real one it's one I already have. But I managed to finish it recently thanks to jhine7 and his 2 pieces of art a day for 1 tbt each.
No yet, I am still working on decorating my Island. Once I finish then I will focus on the museum.
Ive completed my museum, mostly by fishing/diving/hunting in both hemispheres and trading when it came to art and fossils. I still like diving for the bells, lol. The last bug I found was the dung beetle. Last fish was king salmon, last art was wild left painting, and last fossil was australeo something. I forgot the name 😅
Bugs and Fish are done, but deep sea will require time travel/waiting on seasons. Wasn't enamored with diving when it first came out but now that I've tamed the island more or less, it's one of the only accomplishments left to worry about. Art will be a pain to complete - hardly ever see Redd and when I do I swear it's always the same paintings he's got.