Have you completed your Museum?

I finished my fossils forever ago, and my bug and fish exhibits have been completed since the middle of December (when we got snow on the ground).
I still need a couple of sea creatures that aren’t available until March. My art exhibit is 10 pieces away from being complete.
I completed the fossils section long ago but the rest of the museum is a wip. 😅
Fossils yes, everything else no. I wanna try get serious about it but it's gonna take a lot of effort to find what I'm missing, I think.
I have two sea creatures left to catch and some art. I don't time travel so I'll just complete them when they turn up in the game.

I have some duplicate art so I may end up trading for the ones I'm missing. Depends on how much I keep playing and if there are future updates.
I finished fossils & art a while ago, mostly through trading. I missed 1 beetle during the summer months so I probably will need TT to complete my bugs soon. For seacreatures & fish, I still have a couple left to go ☺
I told myself this game I was going to complete my museum..... ya nope. I went really hard during the spring but as I slowed down on play time I just haven't kept up with it. Oh well! Maybe next game :sneaky:
Yes, I completed it a few weeks ago. I got all the fossils pretty quickly and used nookazon to get most of the art pieces and tted to get the bugs and fish. It took me roughly 4 or 5 months!
I only have 2 sea creatures and way too much art. Even with my hubby’s help redd hates me.
I haven't completed the museum yet, no, and probably won't for a while.

I've caught and donated all of the bugs and I completed the fossil exhibit as well. However, I still need to catch one specific fish and a few deep sea creatures. I also still need a bunch of art.
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No, not even close :( I finished the fossil section last year and I’m *close* to finishing the bug section, which is a goal of mine for this year.
No, still working through it since I restarted. I wasn't close in my previous island either. Still missing 1 fossil but I want to get it by myself rather than trade for it and that's the section closest to completion. Art I won't complete on purpose, at least for a while, as I don't like the look of the upgrade and I want to keep the second upgrade as long as possible. (I kept the tent way longer than needed because it was so adorable.)
I don’t time travel, so as of right now, I am just 2 sea critters behind finishing it, on track for completion by March! I’ve completed the fossil, bug, and fish exhibits though, which I am very happy about.

It’s bittersweet though, honestly. I really had so much fun with fishing especially — going clamming at the beach, crafting them into fishing bait, and then waiting for certain times of the day to catch that one fish I needed.
I completed fossils art and sea creatures.
I have maybe a half dozen bugs (mostly the rare palm trees beetles) and four fish
Not yet, I've got most of the fossils and a handful of bugs and fish. Redd hasn't visited in a while, even though I keep tting to get him ^^;
Not finished, got all the fossils, but I need 2 rare pier fish still and some others and many sea creatures and bugs. And most of the art. But I caught a flea.
I finished mine a while ago, I can't remember what the last items were that I donated, but the only way I was able to finish was to buy the art I needed on the forum.
I caught a flea early in the game...talk to your villagers multiple times they will say something about being itchy etc then you just have to get close enough to them to catch the flea. I have caught a ton of them.
Not my entire museum, but I've completed the art and fossil exhibits c: the rest I've yet to complete since I don't go fishing very often aha...
I have completed Fish and Bugs (first time ever as well!), but still working on diving and art. If I remember correctly, I'll be able to finish Diving in March. I don't remember how much I left for art, but I'll need to get working on that as well.