Ace Marvel
Merry & Happy
Congrats to the winners! It was almost Peach again.
Petition for them to put Isabella in the banner like zipperomg isabelle peering above the horizon is going to give me nightmares LOL
The tortoise and the hare (colourised)Well, one things for certain, I learned a valuable lesson:
This game is for tryhards who think they got it when they really don't and get all salty about it, whilst for me I was only good at the 2017 one. While also with me thinking I could boast about my superior mirror guessing skills whereas that was only in 2017 of course, thus proving I could only guess the easy ones. (I wonder what happened? Was it the first to guess thing?)
I know not to do these and boast again. I don't mean to sound like i'm begging, but whenever there's going to be another Gaming TBT Week, I promise to not talk on Discord at all and talk about how great I am at Mario Kart and I get extremely salty when I place in any number other than 1st.
I'll be far better at finding eggs than this, but this was fun, so thanks.
(Also I thought Min Min was the Bonus #3 Mirror that used this Image
If only I guessed it for the main one, but all I saw was a Sword that looked like Cloud's, but I didn't guess it because Cloud isn't even a Nintendo character.