how are you feeling right now?

my parents are forcing me to go back to school with my homophobic class mate, im trans in the closet.

Stressed. It was definitely a Monday. I didn't sleep well last night. I had interruptions all day while I was trying to work. I talked to my doctor and she's got more tests she wants me to do. She thinks I'm anemic, which might explain why I'm always cold and have little energy. It was just an all-around overwhelming day and I'm glad that it's basically over so I can start fresh tomorrow.
my parents are forcing me to go back to school with my homophobic class mate, im trans in the closet.

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hey if you ever need someone to vent to or listen when you have lgbt+ issues you can always DM me :)

I feel crappy bc I'm still dealing with hypoglycemia despite having eaten, and it's almost 11pm and I'm tired but I really don't want to go to sleep cause I didn't get to do all the things I wanted to do today 😞
I feel pretty great today. I heard some news I’m kind of happy about. I’m going to sleep soon here.
ok im feeling even better now, so i kinda have been figuring out how to do bootleg emojis, emoticon, things...
i just shrink the image nothing too crazy...
Dealing again with really bad depression;

Edit: Feeling a bit better now. Spanky was being cute when I came in from putting something out in the garage. She went down the stairs (our basement is right there) and rolled on her side on a step and looked at me & meowed a few times 🥺.
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Glad you're feeling better Dun! Pets have a way with knowing when you're feeling down/really depressed and will spend time/stay by your side to give you their love.

I'm really sore. I've been kind of jam-packing my days with all sorts of chores, side-jobs, work, and so forth. It also probably has to do with me getting back into exercising on a regular basis. I was feeling really depressed the last few months during winter with everything in my life that was going on and generally feeling like I was trapped/alone, but I feel pretty good now.
Glad you're feeling better Dun! Pets have a way with knowing when you're feeling down/really depressed and will spend time/stay by your side to give you their love.

I'm really sore. I've been kind of jam-packing my days with all sorts of chores, side-jobs, work, and so forth. It also probably has to do with me getting back into exercising on a regular basis. I was feeling really depressed the last few months during winter with everything in my life that was going on and generally feeling like I was trapped/alone, but I feel pretty good now.

I’m glad you’re feel pretty good now :); sorry you weren’t doing good for awhile :(.

I’m feeling a bit sleepy right now. I want to finish my sketch since I am almost done, but at the same time, I kinda don’t since this part I’m working on has been a bit of a struggle 😅. I was tempted to just not finish this sketch at all.

I’m happy thay Spanky just came in my room and is purring up a storm ☺️. Jewels just came back too after my mom yelled at her for scratching the cough 😅.
i feel better now that I've actually eaten something lol. but I really want to go to bed now, and I know with me having acid reflux issues in the past I need to wait at least an hour to go to bed which highkey kinda sucks 😔

on a better note, every second I get to indulge in a special interest is a happy moment for me :blush:
Annoyed. My parents are just getting on my nerves because they are being so forgetful these days. Constantly having to remind them of stuff is just becoming a nuisance.
Tired of course, since I woke up not too long ago. But I also feel content, since @/Chris gave me some great advice about one of my fanfiction woes and it legit feels like an awakening for me. XD
Pretty good actually, no school today, it's the start of spring break, and my vacation plans are so far in place. I slept pretty well too. So far, it's a pretty good day 😀
I am feeling okay I guess. I am looking forward to some events that will take place in the near future. And I am excited about my new jewelry. And one thing I can’t talk about on here is kind of exciting, too, but it also makes me nervous. I am thinking too much which is why I am not feeling great, but pretty good.
Right now I am feeling VERY bored, I just want to go home and make some art or something. And fairly nervous, I have a French test to do next period that I feel very unprepared for. :(