how are you feeling right now?

I have dreams where I'm back in grade school or sometimes a place that I used to work at. It's always weird stuff like getting on the wrong bus, not having the proper assignments or nothing to show ect. I always hated those kinds of dreams lol.

I'm not trying to dismiss your situation, but have you tried light therapy? Where I live during winter and around this time it's pretty dull, gray, and bleak until Spring comes around. So sometimes bright lights help me just even a tiny bit. I doubt this is helpful, but I figured I would suggest it. I do hope you feel better tomorrow!

Thanks so much! I am taking a break from counseling right now. Counseling hasn’t helped me; it just makes me more aggravated. :/
I’m actually feeling pretty good. I got pretty decent sleep last night and I’m hoping to continue that trend. I’m happy that Friday is over with. 😅
Right now I'm feeling sick; My nose is stuffy, my voice is raspy, my throat is dry and it feels like there's something stuck in it but I don't know what. And also light-headed and sad, I'm missing my late grandfather...
Sick. I tested positive last night (evening, actually), so today is Day One of quarantine and recovery. Thanks to the shots, I'm not dangerously sick, but I still feel like I have the flu, and that's never fun.

bit sadder then usual, usually described as a rainbow of fun, my parents keep fighting over cheating.
I’m a little restless and a bit anxious about something.

I want to draw but mood isn’t quite there. I did try brainstorming how I wanted the bottom part of my drawing, but I think it wouldn’t go very well with what I have drawn so far :/, also it might just make more work for me. I did make a little doodle in a greeting card earlier though.
i feel better then last night, but i put on a mlp marathon for last night so i felt better, and i ate
I've been feeling unnecessarily tired ever since last weekend when I went to that meeting and I was gone for like 8 hours. mentally I still feel okay, not depressed or anything, I'm just super tired and no amount of sleep can make it better.
I’m a little restless and a bit anxious about something.

I want to draw but mood isn’t quite there. I did try brainstorming how I wanted the bottom part of my drawing, but I think it wouldn’t go very well with what I have drawn so far :/, also it might just make more work for me. I did make a little doodle in a greeting card earlier though.
Is this being done traditionally or digitally? If digitally, you could make a copy and experiment with the idea and reference the original and experimentation to see which one you like more or see if it meshes well.

Also if it's traditional, you could lay some tracing paper over the original piece and draw on that.

I hope you feel better today or soon!

I've been feeling unnecessarily tired ever since last weekend when I went to that meeting and I was gone for like 8 hours. mentally I still feel okay, not depressed or anything, I'm just super tired and no amount of sleep can make it better.
I remember your topic asking about advice on this. It's crazy that it's still going on. Is it possible it's a cause of some sort of deficiency? If it's really affecting your everyday life/tasks you may want to make an appointment with your primary doctor. I hope you start feeling better soon!

How many hours do you get regularly? For example if you normally get say like 5 hours of sleep but then decide to get 8 since that is recommended, you're going to be exhausted due to the interruption in your normal sleep schedule. And if you don't get a pattern in like 5,5,5,5 ect or 8,8,8,8 and instead get something like 4,5,8,6,4,5,8 this will also throw your biological sleep schedule out of whack.

It's something I need to fix myself due to my crappy work schedule.
I remember your topic asking about advice on this. It's crazy that it's still going on. Is it possible it's a cause of some sort of deficiency? If it's really affecting your everyday life/tasks you may want to make an appointment with your primary doctor. I hope you start feeling better soon!
I prob will set up an appt to talk with him soon, because not only am I deal with this excessive tiredness but I've also been dealing with acid reflux a lot more frequently in the last month or so and it's starting to worry me a bit (bc my mom also has stomach issues and hers went untreated so it got really bad).

as a person with untreated ADHD I never get good sleep. I always wake up at least once in the middle of the night, sometimes 2-3 times. it doesn't help that my cat (whom I mentioned in the WBY thread is literally in heat like every other week) herself has been waking me up at least once or twice in the middle of the night for the last few days, with her incessant yowling.
Is this being done traditionally or digitally? If digitally, you could make a copy and experiment with the idea and reference the original and experimentation to see which one you like more or see if it meshes well.

Also if it's traditional, you could lay some tracing paper over the original piece and draw on that.

I hope you feel better today or soon!

I remember your topic asking about advice on this. It's crazy that it's still going on. Is it possible it's a cause of some sort of deficiency? If it's really affecting your everyday life/tasks you may want to make an appointment with your primary doctor. I hope you start feeling better soon!

How many hours do you get regularly? For example if you normally get say like 5 hours of sleep but then decide to get 8 since that is recommended, you're going to be exhausted due to the interruption in your normal sleep schedule. And if you don't get a pattern in like 5,5,5,5 ect or 8,8,8,8 and instead get something like 4,5,8,6,4,5,8 this will also throw your biological sleep schedule out of whack.

It's something I need to fix myself due to my crappy work schedule.

I’m drawing traditional. Tysm! I don’t think we have tracing paper. I did manage to get myself to draw, though something entirely different. It was going to be a quick sketch but it is going to be a bit more than that considering that I’m still not done lol.

I’m feeling depressed today, have low energy again and troubled by something dumb on this server that I go on.

I almost ruined my sketch (or so i think) a bit ago, but am happy I was able to correct the mistake. This special little eraser i got for christmas for erasing colored pencils just works wonders. I love it; so glad that i looked up erasers and asked for some for Christmas..
Lazy. The school I work at has a 1-week break for the holidays, but I still have to go to my second job in the afternoon. I'm happy I don't have to wake up at 5am but I feel like my mornings are too short to really relax before heading into work.
Stressed and nervous. I have exams this week. I can't sleep, though I probably should. I'm also nervous I won't get up in time to eat a decent breakfast. Usually, in the mornings, I don't eat breakfast. I have a science exam first, which is ok. The next two days is English, which is my best subject. I'm prepared for that. But math on Thursday. . . no thank you.
it’s monday ya’ll 😔

pls let me go home, all i want to do is watch homebrewed wii videos, mkwii hacks and glitches on youtube.