how are you feeling right now?

I’m feeling tired and burnt out. I kept waking up earlier because my dad was loud and Jewels kept whining for attention.

Aside from that, I’m doing good. I got some kitty snuggles ☺️. I’m really happy with how my tattoo design ended up looking though I found a small mistake.
I’m feeling okay 🙂. I think it helped to just chill today and work on a collage for my island journal instead of the story. I think I might feel better in time to try writing something 🙂.

I do feel a little crabby but much less than how I was feeling a few hours ago.
I was mad before but not as much now. I went to use the bathroom… and some guys came in to vape… because of. Course they did. But then when they saw me, they got mad at me for always being in the bathroom at the same time as them. Piss off. It’s not my fault that you decided to skip class and go to the bathroom to pass around a nasty ass vape and I happened to be actually using the bathroom at that same time. **** those guys. I don’t know why I’m so mad about this. When things like that happen it just makes me hate teenagers even though I am one.
I'm feeling pretty good! I am done with work for the day and I am going to a fun little Halloween event tonight! It's been awhile since this Halloween event was actually happening so I'm excited to finally be able to go and experience it and I don't work tomorrow so I don't have to worry about being tired either. I may take a small nap so I am well rested for staying out late tonight.
I was mad before but not as much now. I went to use the bathroom… and some guys came in to vape… because of. Course they did. But then when they saw me, they got mad at me for always being in the bathroom at the same time as them. Piss off. It’s not my fault that you decided to skip class and go to the bathroom to pass around a nasty ass vape and I happened to be actually using the bathroom at that same time. **** those guys. I don’t know why I’m so mad about this. When things like that happen it just makes me hate teenagers even though I am one.
I swear to god every time you enter the school bathrooms it looks like Silent Hill with all the vape cloud fog in the air lmao.
I don't even know how to describe how I'm feeling at this point. It's just....why me?

The worst part is that I already know the answer, and it hurts.

EDIT - I think I found the words: lost, unfulfilled, incomplete. Like I'm missing a part of myself. I think about all the terrible decisions I made this month and it makes me cry. And the more I dwell in my thoughts, the more I feel like I deserve my misfortune.
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