how are you feeling right now?

I’m feeling a bit depressed right now and also like I got little sleep. Jewels kept knocking stuff off my shelf when I was trying to sleep so I had to kick her out of my room and shut my door.

I’m depressed and a bit upset. Some of the dreams I had reminded me of some things that I didn’t want to remember or think about. The depression is just general depression though there is quite a bit on my mind that isn’t helping.

My mood should be better once I take my medicine and eat. Right now I can’t get myself to get up though.

No dms, comments or discord messages.
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I'm feeling a little tired, I was out late last night with some friends and I had a lot of fun so I just need to take today to recover. I cannot bounce back as fast as I used to.

I'm also excited because I am going to be making little pizza calzone things tonight for dinner, I have a little skull shaped thing to make my pizza rolls into skulls. I haven't decided if I want to get some garlic bread to go along with it.
A little sad. This Betta I picked up last February, a little before valentines day, is passing away. He was half off at the time because he was really sick and was on harsh medication as a result. They didn't sell him until he was recovered so don't think super bad about the big box store. But the medication is hard on the swim bladder organ. While with me, some of his fins regrew and his lip regrew. He was also a dragonscale which comes with its own challenges because of the poor breeding practices. I expected a year with him, 2 if I was super lucky because of these variables. I'm a little less than two months shy of one year with him. He was the sweetest most laid back Betta and it's just sad that this is his situation and not the situation of a mean Betta... Which sounds childish I know, and mean Bettas are only that way due to people breeding them to be little terrors for fish fighting so it really isn't their fault either... But.. yeah. He is a nice Betta and just want him to have a little more of a life time than this. But, he had a big tank with lots of friends so.. there's that.
But again this was an expected outcome from the get go. I took him because he was so nice and needed a home and the store either loss money (very likely) or broke even on him anyway.
I’m tired; my dad’s voice kept waking me up today. Also anxious because one of my entries got missed, and anxious about something else too.

I’m crabby and triggered by a few things as well.

I need to eat and take my medicine but I don’t want to go downstairs since my dad is home and is loud.
A bit sad. I was out in town the other day, and I swear I saw my sister who I haven't seen for at least two years, but I was too embarrassed to go up and say hi in case it wasn't actually her.
I feel awful... I've come down with my third cold in 2 months and my body feels so sore and shaky😔 I'm also bouncing between hot flashes and chills. I just hope it passes quickly and it's actually a cold and not the flu because I really don't need it to get worse.😒
I think my mood is starting to pick up a little. I’m glad since I’m tired of being upset and depressed; it really saps my energy too. I probably still will need some time away though.

I’m hoping that I can get a card personalized and sent out to my friend today. I was really touched they sent me a card even though I’ve been away from twitter.

Still not in a Christmas spirit except on here; I feel numb. I’m trying my best not to think of what made christmas hard for me last year and this year. I’m hoping tomorrow will be better.
Tired but also a bit excited. I'm going to my first midnight Christmas mass. Obviously I'm wrecked and tired and I'll probably fall asleep in the middle, but it's also really nice. I know it'll be starting late because these things never start on time, but the altar is already set up, and there's tons of candles and the crib scene is cute. Hoping I'll stay awake 🤞
Tired but also a bit excited. I'm going to my first midnight Christmas mass. Obviously I'm wrecked and tired and I'll probably fall asleep in the middle, but it's also really nice. I know it'll be starting late because these things never start on time, but the altar is already set up, and there's tons of candles and the crib scene is cute. Hoping I'll stay awake 🤞
I just got back and I'm absolutely shattered. It was lovely and the singing was beautiful, but I think dozed off during part of it 😅
I feel hungry. I already ate earlier today, but that pizza collectible is making me want a warm googy slice of pizza. It's already to late to eat anyway.