How are you feeling?

Great! I get a haircut in a little bit, then tomorrow I'm going to Missouri!
I'm feeling kind of lost, like I'm not on Earth right now.

I just finished reading a fanfiction and it was based on a farm so I feel like I'm at said farm, if that makes any sense. So I'm writing a little drabble about a farm to help me "come to back to earth." xD
Feeling pretty chill. Day's almost over and I slept too late again, but that's better than not sleeping at all. Also coming up with rad ideas for tattoos that I can't afford to get, but it has me drawing again, which is great.

I'm feeling kind of lost, like I'm not on Earth right now.

I just finished reading a fanfiction and it was based on a farm so I feel like I'm at said farm, if that makes any sense. So I'm writing a little drabble about a farm to help me "come to back to earth." xD

That's a really fabulous tactic actually o_o Next time I finish reading something and I'm in that weird nebulous state I'll try writing myself out of it :3
Blech. I cracked my phones screen. I guess I was due for it, though, since I've had iPhones since 2010 and have never used a case.

Oh, and my internet isn't working so I'm typing this on said broken phone. It kind of sucks.
How am I feeling? So freaking happy. It's my birthday today, why wouldn't I be? Plus I have a smash tourney I'm attending, today.
Nervous... I'm on the 3DS Smash tournament and I'm really scared that I'm gonna get my ass kicked, lol.
Physically - We had one thingy of rattlesnake pasta left and I ate it last night. Kinda wish I'd saved it for today. Hungry as hell.
Mentally - Blank slate at the moment. In the wise, wise words of Jenny Owen Youngs: "Numb's no good, but it sure beats the hurt."
Just got back from BBQ and urghhh I haven't been here for quite sometimes due to exams exams EXAMS! *bundle up in a blanket at a corner*
How am I feeling today? A mixture of things. Today was great for the most part. I hung out with my best friend all day, got loads of cool new things, I helped someone, I met loads of kind people, took loads of photos, saw someone I hadn't seen for a long time. But at one point a couple of guys slowed down their car and started beeping the horn and started mouthing obscenities and giving us obscene hand gestures. I was confused at first, but it didn't take me long to realise why. They mistook me, and my friend for a same-sex couple. I should have been able to shake it off. And at the time I laughed about it, but the more and more I think about it, the more it worries me. If this was just directed at me, I'd have forgotten about it by now, but my friend deals poorly with situations like this and as a whole, I guess I'm just disappointed. I thought we were past this. I guess sometimes I forget how queerphobic the world still is.
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How am I feeling today? A mixture of things. Today was great for the most part. I hung out with my best friend all day, got loads of cool new things, I helped someone, I met loads of kind people, took loads of photos, saw someone I hadn't seen for a long time. But at one point a couple of guys slowed down their car and started beeping the horn and started mouthing obscenities and giving us obscene hand gestures. I was confused at first, but it didn't take me long to realise why. They mistook me, and my friend for a same-sex couple. I should have been able to shake it off. And at the time I laughed about it, but the more and more I think about it, the more it worries me. If this was just directed at me, I'd have forgotten about it by now, but my friend deals poorly with situations like this and as a whole, I guess I'm just disappointed. I thought we were past this. I guess sometimes I forget how queerphobic the world still is.

I'm so sorry you experienced this :( I get the gestures and slurs and stuff from catcallers but I've never had this happen to me. I'm at a loss for words. When we have our own support networks and friend groups or are online in LGBT+ friendly spaces it can be a little easier to forget how ignorant and hateful people can be :< I hope your friend is feeling okay.
Pretty darn good. I ran a couple of difficult miles this afternoon (against a might wind) so I'm pretty sore. I took a nice long bubble bath (orange patchouli scented), listened to some Laarajii, drank some sparkling water, ate some dried mangoes and read books about astronomy and Buddhism. Ahhhh. That hits the spot. I wanted to stay in that tub forever. <3
tired and now i need to walk to college :C