• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How are you feeling?

Ran out of sleep meds on Friday, and the pharmacy was closed on Saturday and Sunday for some reason, so I'm up at an unreasonable hour and not feeling all that tired, as I expected. Still not happy about it though. Really wish my body would just ... I dunno, calm down and let me actually feel tired (as in sleepy-tired, not physically or mentally exhausted, lol) without having to depend on some external thing. I've never been sensitive or unhappy about having to take meds but it does suck when you literally can't sleep without them.

I feel the slightest bit woozy but I'm chalking that up to withdrawal symptoms from running out of something else at the same time. Cold turkey stopping any psych med, even for a day or two, is a big no-no. Hopefully they'll deliver tomorrow so I can get back to some semblance of normal.

Bleh. So tired mentally, and physically I'm hungry as hell but I know it'll give me more energy and that's the last thing I need if I'm trying to get to sleep. @_@
Not feeling so great... I fell asleep at close to midnight, and just woke up at 3:30 a.m. because of my cold. >.< And I have to get up in another two hours or so to go to work, woohoo.
Happy since today is finally inspection day. We had it delayed by two weeks. So happy it's finally about to be done.
Stressed because I lost my keys and I know they have to be in the house. Used a spare car key so just can't wait to get off work to go the house from top to bottom.
A little sad the weekend went so fast but also so happy no classes this week.
Happy since I love my friends and my family and my house and pretty much every other thing in my life. \(^0^)/
I'm feeling prettyyy okay. I don't have school today which is nice, seeing as it's March Break here in Canada this week, so that's always nice c: Just woke up maybe a half hour ago so I'm still quite tired.

I'm definitely feeling like it's hard to get TBT here and all, and selling things isn't going quite well for me which is really disappointing. I really want the Escapists game too, I can't even express how much I want it ;-;
Actually happy for once since the last lesson I had at school, I was in a group with my two best friends and we just messed around (It was drama anyway, so there's not really much to do.)
A little sad and confused. Couldn't explain why. But I'm sure that I'll be okay again tomorrow xD
I'm feeling relatively good, which is strange because I sort of broke up with my boyfriend. It's confusing because we're technically together but also not.
Pretty relieved, I've FINALLY moved into the place I was meant to be living since September. They had some massive delays with the building work, there was just issue after issue with it. It's nice to finally be able to unpack my stuff, I hated living out of a suitcase for so long.

Now I'm anxious because I have to meet new flat mates though. :p
I'm feeling lazy. I really need to get up and clean this place. You'd think Rasher lived here over the weekend or something. :p
I feel lost. I have an exam in ~10 days that I could start studying for, but I want to have fun instead. But there is not much to do, and I can only play so many hours of video games. Meh.