• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How are you feeling?

I'm feeling nervous. I'm planning on asking a guy I've liked for a while out to the movies tomorrow and I'm not sure how it will go. My heart is beating fast and I can feel my cheeks blushing. >~< Some wonderful people on the forums gave me some advice on a thread I started so, I'm feeling very thankful for that!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm super out of it. Just really tired and dizzy feeling. I'd take a nap but then I won't be able to sleep later on tonight, so... no naps for me.

I hope you have a good sleep tonight! Remember to take care of yourself. :)
I'm feeling nervous. I'm planning on asking a guy I've liked for a while out to the movies tomorrow and I'm not sure how it will go. My heart is beating fast and I can feel my cheeks blushing. >~< Some wonderful people on the forums gave me some advice on a thread I started so, I'm feeling very thankful for that!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I hope you have a good sleep tonight! Remember to take care of yourself. :)

Thank you :) Whoever made sleep meds is a god among men. I function better when I get like... 6-7ish hours of sleep than 9-10, so I'm feeling pretty great after last night (slept 2-9:30). Some people can sleep forever and wake up well rested but it just zonks me out completely.
AMAZING. After weeks of solid hard work, I've finally done my end-of-term exam, and I think it went ok. Now I have 3 weeks of Easter break! Now I can be with my family and actually have time to do fun things
Kinda up and down! I believe in myself and what I'm trying to do with my life but at the same time I haven't gotten much back yet from my work. Recognition isn't necessary but it helps sometimes, you know?
A bit crappy, the second part of the final exam is not fun at all if you compare to the first one I did and not that satisfied. However, the two other questions I could chose from weren't good either so I'm just gonna wrap something together here.
I'm feeling okay now, but this morning I felt very panicky as I saw my first wasp of the year today, it was in my bedroom, on my work uniform. Just as a quick note I am absolutely terrified of wasps, as in panic attack levels of terrified, so I was screaming my head of at the sight of it. I couldn't avoid it as I needed to put my uniform on for work. In my panic I somehow managed to get the wasp on to a magazine and started to run out of my room... But the wasp fell off the magazine, attempted to fly, landed on my thigh and stung me :( Through all that pain and panic I managed to get the wasp back on the magazine and out of the bathroom window. After patching myself up and dosing up on my anxiety mess I ended up being 10 minutes late for work but my supervisor was nice and put me down for my normal start time and went more easy on me today :3

tldr; I was very panicky over a wasp this morning, got stung and was late for work but my supervisor was nice and didn't write me up for being late.
I'm hungy :l about to go to bojangles though

other than that I feel great. played some Munchkin last night and the weather has been awesome and I finally got a day off from work for the first time since coming back from texas.
Lonely. I'm still having a really hard time with this stupid breakup. It's been two weeks and it doesn't hurt any less at all. I still love him a lot but he didn't really treat me right so I guess it's for the best. I still want to get back together with him though. I'm so confused about all of it tbh :|
I'm feeling okay now, but this morning I felt very panicky as I saw my first wasp of the year today, it was in my bedroom, on my work uniform. Just as a quick note I am absolutely terrified of wasps, as in panic attack levels of terrified, so I was screaming my head of at the sight of it. I couldn't avoid it as I needed to put my uniform on for work. In my panic I somehow managed to get the wasp on to a magazine and started to run out of my room... But the wasp fell off the magazine, attempted to fly, landed on my thigh and stung me :( Through all that pain and panic I managed to get the wasp back on the magazine and out of the bathroom window. After patching myself up and dosing up on my anxiety mess I ended up being 10 minutes late for work but my supervisor was nice and put me down for my normal start time and went more easy on me today :3

tldr; I was very panicky over a wasp this morning, got stung and was late for work but my supervisor was nice and didn't write me up for being late.

Omggg that's awful, I actually had an entire bee nest in my old room's walls, but wasps are killer
Too nervous to visit the guy I like. Guess I'll just have to stick to seeing him at social gatherings for the time being.
i just got up so i feel a little groggy. but my tamagotchis finally evolved into characters i wanted so that makes me really happy. 'v'
Excited. I'm sick as ****, but my parents are going to get me like the best cotton candy ice cream ever.
Cotton candy ice cream is AMAZING. I haven't had any in years because the closest place that sold it closed down but now I'm craving it ;_; what have you done

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. Watching my partner play his Dragon Age: Inquisition file, getting ready to spend the day cycling, with my cat nestled in by my feet. Let's hope for a nice quiet day today~
I woke up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. It's been a while since I've been sick so I'm hoping this is just coming from the weather change and I'm not about to be miserable for a couple weeks or whatever. And I'm feeling pretty lazy.
I take it back - a whole boatload of stress hit me pretty hard not long after my earlier post. Too much to do, not enough time...