• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How are you feeling?

I feel like someone pulled the rug from under me. I learned a loved one became seriously ill (2nd time dealing with cancer).
At the same time I kinda can see a lot of value in how such circumstances seem to bring the best out of the people around me (and maybe myself?) in helping that person out and dealing with it in general.

Still though, it was a big shock and after so many hardships really something that silenced us.
I feel awful. I'm meant to be in school but I really can't face it today. My mum is angry at me and I probably won't get to go to a festival that I'm really excited about now. I hate the fact that most of my friends have abandoned me for my ex. We had the same group of friends and they've all taken his side because he's spread rumours about me. My closest friends are all struggling with depression and anxiety and we find it difficult to be together because there's always one of us close to tipping over the edge.
A bit tired and debating if I should shot for the MM new 3ds xl or just a regular/2ds
sick. incredibly out of it. exhausted. sleeping is hard, though. ughhhhhhhhh. why'd I have to get sick from mom...
aww man, that'd suck. I also hope you don't get the flu!
if anything, at least I can be thankful that I don't have a cough like mom did. :'>

yeah mom had a really bad flu for the past weeks so i hope i dont get it with easter and stuff coming up. : <

also hnnng should i get that xl or.. blblrlrlrp
Are you alright? You shouldn't have to feel scared for standing up for yourself.
Sorry, I didn't see this 'til now! I'm okay. I'm happy I did it but I'm just scared because my dad is very irrational and unpredictable, and I'm worried he may do something that'll make me regret saying anything. You're right, though, I'm trying not to be scared. Anyway thank you for asking. :)
im feeling sad because i just came from the dentist and my favorite villager moved out
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A bit stressed. Need to finish filling out forms for my part-time job on for Wednesday, finish a PhD application for Wednesday, and then finish my research proposal coursework for university for Thursday. I hate that everything falls around the same time but Thursday evening is going to be so good.
Just stressed and less motivated to do things ^-^ My grades are dropping and I get lectured even by getting a B
i feel a little better. i got rid of a bunch of old papers and cleaned up the area where i was storing them. it feels liberating.
It's 2015. How can my in-laws be so backwards?

If I had a billion dollars they wouldn't be giving me and my partner any of that garbage. HA! Oh...

So anyway, I feel terrible and helpless and very, very resentful.