How did you find out about Animal Crossing?

I found someone's lost copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World, and decided to play it. When I saw how fun the game was, I decided to keep playing it and help the real owner of the game. Later, the real owner was looking for the game, and I returned it to her. But I decided to get every game in the series for one Christmas, and then that's how I got interested in Animal Crossing.
Wow it's a very hard question but I found out about it so young. I think the most likely thing is that I found out about it on the internet. I remember I was on the official site of wild world, and I used to watch all the videos and I wanted the game so badly, but I didn't have a DS. Then when I got one, I didn't get the game immediately, but one day at the supermarket I saw it and recognised it, I bought it and played to it all night long.
I was in the Game store looking for a new DS game to play. I looked at Animal Crossing, and thought: "This game looks so boring", and put it back. A few weeks later, my sister said she could get a discount for me and get a lot of games for my DS. One of my choices was Animal Crossing, and I tried it out.
I had no idea what to do, so I kept playing it. And now I'm hooked.

I do miss the first time playing Animal Crossing...
"Mum! I've payed of my mortgage!"
Oh in sixth grade, during nature's classroom, one of my best pals (though we were just talking t the time) asked me if i had ever played Animal crossing. I told her I hadn't and she started telling me about it. I was really excited to play it and so a couple days later I was at Walmart and saw wild world (I think it had recently come out? i can't remember), so I bought it.
Later I asked her if she wanted to play it with me and she was like, "huh what?? how?" and it turns out that she had the original gamecube version omg. We would trade games with each other every now and then and eventually i got population growing and she got wild world and much joy was had.

The end. u v u
I'm not certain, but I must have seen it on the club Nintendo page. I thought it looked neat, and so I brought it. Best choice I've ever made.
my brother got it when i was maybe 4-5? and he was only 6-7 at that time. i don't remember when he got it, but i've been playing it for as long as i can remember, and before i even learned how to read
I had heard about Animal Crossing back when it came out for the GameCube but never played or really knew what it was about. I never really looked into until I got a 3DS and was looking for games to get for Christmas. I saw how much praise it was getting pretty much everywhere and picked it up for $20.
I saw an ad for WW somewhere and I thought it looked cool, so I asked for it along with a DS. :p
My friend told me and my husband about it once.
Then a couple of weeks later, my husband brought it home for me! I had actually kinda forgotten about it so it was a huge surprise. I'm sure glad he remember tho :D
I used to post on a forum when I was learning to drive. Random! But a poster on there was a huge gamer and mentioned Animal Crossing (WW) a lot. I was looking for some new games and bought it knowing not a lot about it thinking I would give it a go. I was hooked!
My older brothers had the GCN one. I should play that one again, because I had very little idea what I was doing at the time (I was in kindergarten lol)
I was in my Mom's car riding with my brother and when I peeked over his DS, he was playing Wild World pretending to play tag with Tom Nook.
My friend kept going on about how he wanted New Leaf because he played the older games all the time back in school. I wasn't entirely sure why because the way he described it (which was an 100% accurate description now I've played it) sounded like it was a boring pointless game with no actual reason to its existence.

I kind of bought it to see why he thought it was so good and, well, I ended up enjoying it.

Isabelle kind of made me play it too. She was just an adorable mascot and despite me not wanting to admit it, an appealing mascot can make me buy a game.
I just saw lots of ads on the tv, and i thought well that is worth a try!
so i got to the store and bought the game and i don't regret it.
Completely just from seeing friends play at the one friend's house we were always at. They were so into it that it made me get it for my own gamecube.