The first time I ever saw the game played was while I was at a cousin's house. I thought the game was really cute and stuff, he told me about all the things you could do in it and demonstrated some things. The eleven year-old thought that had to be one of the most amazing concepts ever for a game, (still holds true to this day). I especially couldn't get over how it went by real time, the only other game that I played that had that feature Pok?mon Gold/Silver/Crystal.
I got it later that year for Christmas (I honestly think now that winter has to be the most boring season to start out in and that playing it on Christmas just doesn't have the right feel!) along with several other games. Though that of stood out the most (well, Starfox Adventures too). I was pretty much hooked! Peewee, Gwen, Aurora, and Winnie (can't remember the other villager for the life of me) were my first villagers to the town and I just fell in love with all of them. I played it as regularly as I could to the summer or so and started to get bored of it because I had no one to play it with.
Few years later, whenever Wild World came out, I got that on New Year's Eve (yet another sucky day, haha). It didn't really grab me as much as the past game. I had another to play it with, but it just didn't seem as fun to me for some odd reason. All I remember is playing it on a rainy New Year's eve to New Year's day and then off and on for a month or so. (I'm really, REALLY hoping I'm not this way with New Leaf, doubt I will be though.)
City Folk's story isn't all that special, I picked it up this past summer while out with a few friends. I've been playing it off and on for awhile ever since, my husbear even joined in as well. Finally had more friends to play it with, too! We've all just been way too busy to play it. What with either college or working. Though, I have to say, my experience with City Folk was a heck of a lot more pleasant than Wild World's. Especially because it made me fall in love with two more villagers: Curt (seriously my spirit animal, hahaha) and Rhonda.
Also, have some cute Curt art that I found: