Hubby bought it for me on the GC when it came out because he thought I would like it. He was so very right. We still own it and have our original town.
I wish I had a Gamecube and played GC when I was younger. I only had a PS1. I don't recall how I heard about Wild World, I think I saw it in the used DS games. I loved how cute it seemed. I played some City Folk at my friend's, but I never bought it for my Wii.
Same for me. Brother played GC version and even tried to get me to play at the time but I didn't give it a chance. Wasn't until WW came out that I tried it.
When I was 4, way too young to play any video games, my 7 year old cousin and my 8 year old brother rented this game from a local movie/game renting place on new years eve, they thought it was cool you could have your own town, and they wanted something to occupy themselves to stay up till midnight. They played it for such a long time and I remember throwing a fit because they wouldnt let me play because I was so young I wouldnt know how to do anything, they told me it was too difficult to play to convince me i wouldnt like it. Then, a year later after I started to be able to read somewhat and was getting into video games a little bit (first one was Mario Party 2 on the N64 I believe). My 7 year old cousin got WildWorld for her DS because she liked the GC version so much. I kept watching her play that game and eventually got the game for gamecube when I was 5. Still remember the day I played it. I put a space right before my name when i typed it in because I thought the game wouldnt put it in for you.. 8 years later I still have the original town my brother named the town Isabella and I plan to name my New Leaf town that as well. I like that name I got a separate memory card so I didnt have to delete my original town. REALLY HAPPY I DID THAT!!!
A good friend of mine at the time was pretty much glued to her copy of Wild World. When I asked her what the game was about she said and I quote "it's just this game where you live with like these animal things and you have a town that you name. I named my town Bench". I kind of grew curious (especially with the 'Bench' thing) so I bought it and absolutely loved it. Still do, too.
Ashamed to say I had heard it mentioned a lot over the years but never thought it'd appeal to me. Then a copy came with a 2nd hand Wii and I was completely hooked.
One of my grade school friends played it, and she suggested I should get it to but I told her it sounded boring so she lend it to me for a week... After I gave it back I went straight to the game shop and bought my own (with my mommy) and afterwards another friend got it and her brother too so we were always playing together. =)
The first Animal Crossing game I played as Wild World a few years back. It was in 2006 or 2007, I think. I found out about it through family and then a close friend of mine had the game too.
An ex-boyfriend, who showed me WW because he thought it would like it even though I wasn't into video games. >_<
It's kind of a funny story... I was suddenly dumped by a loooong term boyfriend whom I had spent a lot of money on over the years, including paying for a vacation we had taken less than a WEEK before, but had scheduled MONTHS earlier. (Yeah. Yeah.) Well, I got to the "anger" phase of grief pretty quickly and within a month had moved on and started causally seeing another guy. New bf showed me Animal Crossing. In the meantime, ex-bf agreed to pay me back for half of the vacation plus whatever extra he could manage, given how he had mooched off me for years and kinda (hugely) owed me, so I told him "I want an extra $200 so I can buy a Nintendo DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World!"
Then I broke up with the new guy. But I kept playing Animal Crossing! heh.
My sister was playing it and ever since I was probably three years old, I always watched her wi-fi with my brother, collect fossils and talk to villagers. Although...when I wanted to play it...let's say I accidently deleted her town and never played it again until I got older to actually KNOW what things are.
I can't remember how i first found out, but i got my brother and mom hooked. My first town is hard to remember too, but after our house got broken into during what i personally think was the worst year ever(Even tho Thats personal), I was without my PS1, my GameCube, my mom lost alot of valuable stuff, and it sucked major balls. I eventually got another GC, and that town was my most prized. The town where Vladimir became my favorite, and my family bonded playing AC:GC. I still have that town on my memory card. At some point when the Wii came out, i convinced my dad, and my bro to all pitch in and buy a Wii. Long story short, when renting movies and games from Hollywood video was still cool, i saw City Folk, and i rented it. I imported my character from WW and i had a blast. This rental got me hooked, and i eventually bought it. It was so hard getting mom to put down AC:GC and get into CF, but she loves it.
I found out about Animal Crossing when browsing around on the now-dead Nintendo Channel when they were first promoting City Folk back in 2009. I didn't really think of buying CF until I eventually found out more about the game. Once I bought the game in July 2011, I was hooked. I then started going sites like Nookipedia, Animal Crossing Community, then I found out about you guys through jvgsjeff. I have since became a staff member on Nookipedia.
Saw wild world in the shop and randomly bought it, didn't really read anything about it.
I was annoyed at it for the first two weeks because I didn't know what to do (I was 7)