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How do you arrange your flowers?


Sep 16, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
October Birthstone (Opal)
I'm curious. Do you just place flowers no matter, what colour/breed and so on, or do you colour co-ordinate so everything matches?

Also if you co-ordinate so everything goes, tell me your favourite arrangements!
I've been trying to make all my flowers fit together so it isnt different flowers all over the place. I wanna know what you guys do. ^^
I actually JUST spent some time organizing my flowers today. They were a mess ..random and all over.. I am happier now that I put them in rows. I decided to put most of mine in vertical rows. So I have all the red tulips lined up, then the white tulips, etc .. I think you can plant them in many ways and they'll always be so pretty :)
I don't.

I've no interest in flowers, so I set the Beautiful Town Ordinance at the first possible opportunity. My town is now a maze of flowers because the villagers keep planting more.
Seeing as Autumn is coming i've tried to arrange them with colours that go with autumn such as yellow, orange, white and such. Kinda frustrating when it doesn't look right to me though. Maybe that's just my OCD. :eek:
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Each villager has one type of flowers surrounding/bordering their houses in alternating colors.. I have pink/purple/blue flowers of different kinds around mine because my exterior is mermaid themed :) Otherwise my flowers are all over the dang place, with various plots I have set up for breeding, and some random clusters to try and repair grass damage! Eventually I will lay down paths and organize a little better..I hope!
well, i have bushes along my paths and flowers between each of the bushes. i also place them around houses. right now i i have most of them all mixed up. i have a few "flower farms" around, places where i can try to grow hybrids. i also made a forest on the top left of my town because it's too narrow for me to put anything there and i have flowers in between my trees.

i have way too many flowers. lol
I can't buy bushes yet, but as soon as i can i'll definitely have a fun time placing them, atm i guess i have to stick to trees and flowers. I don't time travel either so i take it as each day comes.
i don't tt either, not that there's anything wrong with it. it felt like i was waiting forever for my bushes!!!
you can go to the island and sometimes they will be selling the red or yellow hibiscus bush. i think they're 5 medals each
Do you have a path? Because if you did I would put the same kind of flower next to those paths but maybe changing the colours now and then. I saw a really cute tihng in a dream town where the person had done a row of red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, pink and black all around a fountain and a bench :)
In the beginning, I zigzagged them so that they would create hybrids. I knew I wanted a floral arch in my town, so I first started focusing on pink roses to match it. Now they're just kind of clustered together. I'm hoping that most places will be covered with flowers (by breed) at the end of it all except for the campsite and police station areas of town. :)
Yup, i have paths. I recently just finished placing them for now, and now working on my flowers and trees. Also working on getting more hybrids, so it isnt as plain with just red, yellow and white and so on. I just work on small areas daily in my town and its coming along fine. c:
Each time I arrange flowers a Villager plants other kinds and they just look at me with evil glares.
I haven't done a whole lot of landscaping yet, just beginning paths. I organize my flowers by breed and color, and choose a path to go with the theme of my town nicely.
I only have flowers framing all of the buildings in town.
The flowers around the villager houses coordinate with their roof.
Maybe i'll have an easier time when i have more hybrids, so i guess for now i'll concerntrate on that, then arrange them with more colours. PLUS having bushes (when i can get them) will make it alot easier, so it doesnt look and plain. c:
I don't really have a set plan with my flowers. I just put them wherever, usually on top of dirt in the hopes that I can help the grass grow back. That said, I do also frame buildings and PWPs with them.

I also plant flowers of the same type near each other, just for thew hope of getting hybrids.
Yeah, i frame flowers with buildings and PwP too. Think thats one of the first things i did. Now i am lining my paths with flowers, think its the bigger areas that are bare that bother me so far, but it'll all come together in time!
lol i don't pay attention to it. my villagers just plant them everywhere and i just leave them there.
I have them in single rows along the sides of paths. Where they run along both sides of the path, I have the same colour flower opposite each other. Not necessarily the same type, just same colour!
They're not along every stretch of path, I only went with enough to keep my perfect town. They can do whatever they want now that I have the golden watering can!
I line some of my paths with flowers, and I also have little gardens around my town.

I also have a place where I try to breed hybrids.