How do you decide on a book?

May 28, 2021
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How do you pick what to read next?

I don't read often. But for movies I go with the director. If I liked one movie from a specific director then I'll comb through the entire filmography. E.G: One of my favorite movies is Reservoir Dogs from Quentin Tarantino. I've already watched his library of movies, so I'll use that movie as a base for similar movies. Which leads me to Heat (1995) from Michael Mann. Then I'll go through his other films.

I'd assume it's similar for many into reading? That it would be normal to find a specific author you enjoy?
I do have authors that I love, but I don't usually binge all of their books back to back. If it's a short series, like 3-4 books, then I will try to read them all in relatively quick succession. But I have a wide range of authors and genres that I follow, so most of the time I jump around based on my mood.

Classic literature is one of my favorite genres, but it can be a bit heavy and time-consuming. So after reading something like War and Peace, I'll usually want to read a few light, fun books before diving back into something long like Anna Karenina.

I've also found that reading too many books by the same author can turn me off from that author entirely. For example, I enjoy mysteries and crime novels on occasion. However, I once read several books by the same mystery author without much of a break between them. I reached a point where I picked up on a pattern the author was probably using subconsciously, so nothing surprised me anymore. That's not very fun for a mystery novel, so I avoid doing that now.

Right now, I'm alternating between two long fantasy series: Wheel of Time and Discworld. Wheel of Time is more serious while Discworld is comical, so it's a nice change of pace every time I switch up. I'm also peppering in other single books when I want something completely different. I know I'm probably not the norm, but I love variety.
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So, like, you would read a book by some author and if you like them you'd read more books by them? Yeah, makes sense. I bet there are people here who do it like that.

I'm a picky reader, though... I don't really care a lot about the author, just the genre, what the book is about, etc. But even when I find a book that intrigues me, I need to make sure it doesn't contain strong language, because when I am exposed those kinds of words I feel irritated for some reason. So basically genre, premise and language are factors I consider when picking a book.

I think this thread should be about how you decide on any piece of media to delve yourself into, since you mentioned books in the title then talked about movies. Just a thought.
So, like, you would read a book by some author and if you like them you'd read more books by them? Yeah, makes sense. I bet there are people here who do it like that.

I'm a picky reader, though... I don't really care a lot about the author, just the genre, what the book is about, etc. But even when I find a book that intrigues me, I need to make sure it doesn't contain strong language, because when I am exposed those kinds of words I feel irritated for some reason. So basically genre, premise and language are factors I consider when picking a book.

I think this thread should be about how you decide on any piece of media to delve yourself into, since you mentioned books in the title then talked about movies. Just a thought.

It's specified towards books due to my unfamiliarity with reading. Its unexplored grounds for me. I was hoping to gain insight with specific answers related towards books.

I drew the movie comparison because it's something I can relate towards. I posted this thread more as an actual question.

This is actually one of the reasons I don't read. I find picking a book to be daunting.
It's specified towards books due to my unfamiliarity with reading. Its unexplored grounds for me. I was hoping to gain insight with specific answers related towards books.

I drew the movie comparison because it's something I can relate towards. I posted this thread more as an actual question.

This is actually one of the reasons I don't read. I find picking a book to be daunting.
Hmm, speaking of picking a book, are you still considering revisiting the Wimpy Kid series? I remember you said something about it. Maybe start there, then see what happens next.
I can't binge-read an authors bibliography in the same way I can binge-watch a directors filmography. It is a much bigger time commitment. I could watch all of the Harry Potter films in a week but the thought of reading all the books back-to-back sounds like hell. It would take weeks if not months to find the time for that.

I'm in a phase right now where I'm quite fussy about books I pick up, so I'm either re-reading books I previously enjoyed or I'm only buying new books that absolutely scream "read me now!" The last book I felt I absolutely had to read as soon as I read the blurb was Yellowface by R.F. Kuang because it addresses topical issues concerning race, appropriation, and misleading an audience into thinking you are an own voices author. All are topics I care about.

I'm re-reading Pop Kids by Davey Havok at the moment for no reason other than I needed a book on the go for downtime at work and this one popped into the head. (I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't a diehard Havok fan. His lyrical prowess doesn't translate to prose.)

Edit: I somehow also forgot that I am re-reading Boy George's autobiography Take it Like a Man at the moment as well. That one is because it has been 10+ years since my original read and I find him a very interesting individual.
Hmm, speaking of picking a book, are you still considering revisiting the Wimpy Kid series? I remember you said something about it. Maybe start there, then see what happens next.

It's definitely still in consideration. But I'm not sure if those would be the first things I want to read after a lengthy hiatus of not picking up any books. I haven't read them since I was a little kid. There's a chance I don't enjoy the series anymore and I put off reading as a hobby for even longer.

I can't binge-read an authors bibliography in the same way I can binge-watch a directors filmography. It is a much bigger time commitment. I could watch all of the Harry Potter films in a week but the thought of reading all the books back-to-back sounds like hell. It would take weeks if not months to find the time for that.

I'm in a phase right now where I'm quite fussy about books I pick up, so I'm either re-reading books I previously enjoyed or I'm only buying new books that absolutely scream "read me now!" The last book I felt I absolutely had to read as soon as I read the blurb was Yellowface by R.F. Kuang because it addresses topical issues concerning race, appropriation, and misleading an audience into thinking you are an own voices author. All are topics I care about.

I'm re-reading Pop Kids by Davey Havok at the moment for no reason other than I needed a book on the go for downtime at work and this one popped into the head. (I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't a diehard Havok fan. His lyrical prowess doesn't translate to prose.)

Edit: I somehow also forgot that I am re-reading Boy George's autobiography Take it Like a Man at the moment as well. That one is because it has been 10+ years since my original read and I find him a very interesting individual.

Yeah, this is exactly why I took up movies as a main hobby as I got older (and not books or gaming). It's easy to digest a ton of them and it's never a big commitment.

I do miss the adventure of slowly combing through a long book. Movies are always finished within the same day, and it's just not the same.

It's also easy to stomach movies that I don't like because at most I only lost two hours, and now I have something extra to talk about.
I listen to various podcasts, and often, the host or guest will have a book released in which the subject matters to me. Sometimes they mention research done or controversial subjects that I want to delve more into at the source, which can at times include books.

I also follow a couple Bookstagram accounts that align well with my personal interests. Between those two avenues, I have plenty on my TBR list.

Once in a while, someone will ask to read a book with me or recommend something relevant to our conversation. That is a much smaller fraction of my reading list though.

In terms of what to read first from my list, I try to quickly get started on whatever just stole my attention as to ride the wave of excitement, but if I wait too long or have too many books going at a time, I just try to vary the genre from the last book I’ve read as to not get fatigued.

I hope you’re able to find a method that works for you and find a good book to catapult you back into the groove of reading! Don’t feel locked into one book if it’s not working for you; you can always reopen it later if it’s still relevant to you!
Visiting libraries or bookstores and skimming nonfiction. Not sure of the last time I bought a fiction novel or something.
i have to know a lot about books for my job, so i’m pretty on top of authors/genres/new releases/review websites etc. i have never really had trouble finding something to read, but i don’t think i have a particular method. whatever genre i’m in the mood for, sometimes ill get recommendations from friends or coworkers, sometimes ill pick up something that we’ve just gotten in at work. i’m not particularly fussy about it.
It depends on what genre I’m interested in at the time. I used to read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi, but now I read mostly cozy mysteries. Cozy mysteries are mostly set in small towns where someone gets murdered and the sleuth owns a bakery or bookstore. I also read some romance, and occasionally fantasy.

I also go by author, as it helps to keep things familiar.
I haven’t been reading lately due to depression and a lot of the stuff I read makes me more depressed and angry. When picking out books, I pick a subject I’m interested in. I look up beforehand things like historical accuracy, bias, whose point of view is it giving, sources, etc. Some books I picked out from recommendations like a few I have were recommended by someone who reads a lot of Palestinian literature and is trying to raise awareness to what is going on and what has been going on for 75 years there. Others I found on my own, by looking at the references the author used or their own recommendations in the text.
I look at the brief summary of the book and go from there. If it sounds interesting to me, I’ll read it. Otherwise I will just put it back on the shelf. I’m pretty selective when it comes to what I read.
I generally go to the bookstore with a book already in mind, though it doesn't stop me from picking up other books anyway! I haven't been in quite a while, since I have a couple of books still on my bookshelf that I'm yet to get to.

If I'm picking a book while in the bookstore, I'll usually be drawn to the cover art and title, then I'll read the blurb, and if it's still interesting, I'll read the first page or so, and that gives me enough of an indication if it's worth trying.
I have a backlog of stuff I want to read, both ones that I own and ones that I don't, so I usually comb through that list.

But if I don't do that then...I go by the cover. Literally judging a book by it's cover lol

Cover design is important! I tend to like ones that appear to be painted, where you can see brush strokes (even if it's digital art). Or the super minimalist covers, usually with silhouettes. I've read a lot of good books with pretty covers. Makes me feel bad for the great books with mediocre or bad covers.
This is tough because I haven’t read a fictional book since college. Most of the books that I read nowadays are either self-help or non-fiction. If I select a book from a bookstore, library, or online, then it will most likely be because I already have something in mind.

I guess that you can say that I judge books by their titles.
I look at the book’s summary and if it interests me I’ll check the reviews for it. If the reviews are mostly positive I’ll try it. I used to drop a ton of books from lack of interest, but now I’m better at finding things I actually want to stick with.

I watched the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Movies (2010 original and Rodrick Rules).

Honestly...I loved them. I watch lots of movies, and at first glance they didn't seem that interesting or different. But turns out they were really fun to watch. It gave me the feeling I had as a kid reading the books. Perfect adaptations.

I liked Rodrick Rules more. (the sibling dynamic was so good. I'm a younger brother so kinda hit a soft spot).